Enhancing the winter wind conditions in the dormitory vicinity of Hohhot University through a biomechanical perspective
The rapid expansion of higher education in China has necessitated extensive new construction and renovation of university dormitories, prompting increased attention to the wind environment within these facilities. Hohhot, situated in a region characterized by severe cold, presents a unique opportunity to examine the winter wind environment in university dormitories from a biomechanical perspective, which can significantly enhance the quality of the human environment. This study employs Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation software, PHOENICS, to model and analyze the winter wind conditions in the dormitory areas of universities in Hohhot. Furthermore, it investigates the relationship between the architectural configurations of typical group buildings—specifically I-type, L-type, and U-type layouts—and the resulting wind environment in the dormitory vicinity. The findings indicate that the wind environment for L-type and U-type building configurations is enhanced when arranged in a row and column layout. Conversely, the U-type building configuration exhibits superior wind conditions during the winter months when implemented in a diagonal column layout. All three building forms are applicable in an enclosed layout; however, it is crucial to consider the emission of pollutant gases. The incorporation of green plants is recommended to enhance the internal wind environment. This study aims to optimize the wind environment within the dormitory areas of universities in Hohhot through biomechanical optimization, thereby improving student living comfort. Additionally, it seeks to provide optimization strategies and models from a biomechanical perspective for the construction projects of university dormitory areas located in regions characterized by severe cold climates.
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