Rotational movement of Chinese dance based on the analysis of kinematic mechanics

  • Yang Liu Department of Dance Academy, Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing 210009, China
Keywords: kinematic mechanics; Chinese dance; rotation; knee joint; torso angle
Ariticle ID: 128


Objective: Rotation is a fundamental movement in Chinese dance, and many dancers are difficult to control the smoothness and stability of their movements during rotation, resulting in low completion rates. To better grasp the key points of rotational movements, this article started from a biomechanical perspective and studied the differences in completing rotational movements among dancers of different skill levels. Methods: Twenty dancers were divided into group A (high level) and group B (ordinary level). The dancers’ movements were recorded using two Casio cameras and analyzed using the APAS System. The center of gravity displacements, joint angles, and other kinematic mechanical indicators were compared between the two groups. Results: Group A demonstrated faster completion for a 360° rotation than group B. Group A exhibited larger torso angles during the preparation stage, rotating 180° and rotating 360°, with values of 84.67° ± 1.36°, 85.41° ± 0.65°, and 84.91° ± 0.78°, respectively. Significant differences in hip and knee angles were also observed at each stage in group A (p < 0.05). Furthermore, when rotating 1080°, group A consumed the longest time in the first lap, followed by the second and third laps, and had more stable center of gravity displacement and velocity. Conclusion: Group A shows superior body control and higher rotation quality when performing rotational movements in Chinese dance.


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How to Cite
Liu, Y. (2024). Rotational movement of Chinese dance based on the analysis of kinematic mechanics. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(1), 128.