Application of wearable nano biosensor in sports

  • Lian He College of General Education, Guangxi Vocational University of Agriculture, Nanning 530007, China
  • Shihao Han College of General Education, Guangxi Vocational University of Agriculture, Nanning 530007, China
Keywords: sports activities; wearable nano-biosensors; new sensors; wavelet transform algorithm
Ariticle ID: 165


Biosensor is a new type of detection and analysis device. Because of its sensitivity, accuracy, ease of use and the ability of online and in vivo monitoring, it can be applied to all walks of life. Biosensors have a broad market in the field of sports science, which can be used for timely monitoring of sports training, and would also become an important method and technology in sports education and sports research. First of all, through consulting a large number of literature and practical research methods, the main body of the article was studied. In the introduction, the first paragraph introduced the background and leaded to the following, then summarized the research direction of scholars on sports and wearable nano biosensors, and finally made a summary; in the second part, the model of sensor related utilization algorithm was established, and various algorithms were proposed as the theoretical basis for the research on the application of wearable nano biosensors in sports; then it described the factors of nano biosensor and application in sports; finally, combined with the method part, the comparative experimental analysis of nano biosensors in the sports prospect was carried out. The results showed that the effectiveness of the algorithm model for the development of sports was improved by 7.83%.


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How to Cite
He, L., & Han, S. (2024). Application of wearable nano biosensor in sports. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(1), 165.