The integrated relationship between type two muscle fibers and aging: An update study
Aging is an intriguing process that fascinates many researchers. This fascination is related to the impossibility of controlling time and its influence on human beings. Many theories have been studied to understand this complex process and the impact it has on the muscular system. The ability to control this influence and how to reduce the risk of falls, prevent illnesses, and improve the quality of life of the elderly has encouraged the development of many studies related to it. It is known that type two fibers undergo more denervation than type one fibers during aging, as well as the relationship between specific characteristics and their decline. However, some questions related to how this process actually happened and the ideal exercises that can enhance hypertrophy and the recruitment of type two fibers, although resistance training has been more accepted, are not clear and require further studies focused on this issue. Therefore, considering the importance of these type 2 muscle fibers in the aging process and how they impact the elderly, the objective of this study is to be pioneer in collecting recent and relevant information associated with this specific kind of fiber, show the current gaps on the subject and encourage new research to seek knowledge that improves science.
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