Monitoring system for physical activity and fitness based on service robots and biomechanics

  • Qingtian Zeng College of Public Administration, Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation, Chongqing 402247, China
  • Yingman Ye Hainan University, Hainan 571737, China
Keywords: intelligent health service; intelligent robot; biomechanics; physical fitness monitoring
Ariticle ID: 210


Exercise is one of the important ways for people to exercise, with characteristics such as sociality and strong participation. Especially with the improvement of the level of economic development and the improvement of the quality of life of the people, more and more people begin to attach importance to the maintenance of their own health. Physical fitness monitoring, as an effective means, is widely used in daily life, especially among the elderly. However, most of the existing monitoring methods are relatively simple, lacking pertinence, and the data collection process is relatively cumbersome and unstable, which cannot meet current needs. Therefore, it is very necessary to explore a new type of equipment that can more comprehensively and accurately monitor various physiological parameters of the human body to replace existing traditional detection technologies. Service Robots are currently the most promising intelligent hardware products. They mainly provide personalized services centered on users, sensing user behavior and implementing intelligent decision-making based on their characteristics, thereby better meeting the needs of different groups of people. This article focused on the research and development of Service Robots, and designed a comprehensive solution for Service Robots based on theories such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data technology, and artificial intelligence. This article compared existing intelligent monitoring systems with fitness monitoring systems based on Service Robots, and proved that the user experience of fitness monitoring with robot participation has improved by about 4.68%. Its application scenarios were richer and its effects were more significant, enabling it to better complete tasks such as analysis and prediction of physical fitness status, real-time warning, etc., reducing the risk of people suffering from diseases, and enhancing individual protection awareness.


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How to Cite
Zeng, Q., & Ye, Y. (2024). Monitoring system for physical activity and fitness based on service robots and biomechanics . Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(1), 210.