Evaluation on the prevention and treatment of sports injuries in physical education from a biomechanical perspective
The prevention and treatment of sports injuries have always been a hot topic in the field of sports medicine. Through the analysis of more than 20 factors, the direct or indirect factors can lead to sports injuries. Based on the related factors of sports injuries of athletes, the early warning mode of sports injuries was studied by using the Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. This article discussed the prevention and treatment of sports injuries from three aspects: investigation, treatment, and prevention of sports injuries. According to a questionnaire survey of 482 people from 5 colleges and universities, it was found that 89.63% of college students believed that their sports injuries were acute injuries, and only 10.37% considered them to be chronic injuries. Sports injuries would not only have a certain negative impact on physical education, but also have a great impact on the physical and mental health of students. Sports injuries are the most common injuries, followed by track and field. Among them, 80.29% were injured in basketball and 73.03% in football. Due to frequent physical contact, the injuries were relatively more, but in the net training game, their injuries were relatively small.
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