A study on modeling and simulation of sports training injury optimization from a biomechanical perspective

  • Hua Lu Police and sports department, Shanxi Police College, Taiyuan 030000, Shanxi, China
Keywords: artistic intelligence; sports training income; neural network; prediction model
Article ID: 233


With the development of artificial intelligence technology today, sports training is one of the important ways to keep people healthy. Reasonable sports training can keep people happy, and can also improve the physical quality of athletes. However, because the intensity of sports training is greater than the physical endurance, it may lead to physical injury. The sports training injury model can collect the physical data of athletes, and simulate whether the actions that athletes want to practice are standard and correct through the collected data. If there are errors in the simulated exercise actions, the wrong exercise actions can be corrected in time, so as to reduce the incidence of sports injury accidents. The construction of the experimental model and the calculation and analysis process of the construction data are very complex, and the existing simulation models are difficult to achieve this, which has a significant impact on the subsequent development of the simulation model. In view of this phenomenon, this paper, on the basis of the sports training injury model, combined with the neural network method, conducted an effective research on the construction of the sports training injury model, and inspected the performance of the model by testing the accuracy of the evaluation of the injury risk level, the degree of sports training injury, and the accuracy of the evaluation of the prediction results of the sports training injury model. The experimental data shows that the maximum accuracy of the sports training injury model in the horizontal and vertical directions was 94.43% and 95.26% respectively, and the maximum accuracy of the single injury degree and the composite injury degree was 48.68% and 55.01% respectively, which had high accuracy and operational efficiency, and can effectively avoid the occurrence of training injury.


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How to Cite
Lu, H. (2024). A study on modeling and simulation of sports training injury optimization from a biomechanical perspective. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(2), 233. https://doi.org/10.62617/mcb.v21i2.233