Three-dimensional finite element analysis of biological signal feedback in the mechanical properties of sound production

  • Jiarong Liu College of Music and Dance, Hunan First Normal University, Changsha 410205, Hunan, China
Keywords: three-dimensional finite element analysis; biological signal feedback; mechanical properties; PID controller; vocal cord vibration
Ariticle ID: 277


In response to the problems of low reliability and long time consumption in traditional research on sound production, this article used electromyography (EMG) signals as input signals to build a high-precision sound production mechanics model. A Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller was used to dynamically adjust the model and develop a real-time feedback system. This article established a detailed three-dimensional (3D) finite element model including the vocal cords and throat, defined the nonlinear elastic properties and linear elastic properties of different tissues, and used tetrahedral grid partitioning technology to improve the computational accuracy of the model. Through a EMG sensor, an individual EMG was collected and filtered to remove noise. The processed EMGs were used as input parameters for the finite element model to drive the muscle units in the model. By using a PID controller to receive real-time EMG input, the error was calculated and the model was adjusted, enabling accurate simulation of the mechanical properties of vocal cord vibration under different vocal states and achieving real-time feedback. Considering the complexity of vocal cord vibration driven by biological signals, this article simulated and analyzed the modal characteristics of vocal cord vibration, and analyzed the differences in vocal cord vibration characteristics under different vocal states. The sound pressure distribution and resonance frequency were simulated and analyzed to understand the propagation characteristics of sound. Finally, by comparing and analyzing the simulated data with the actual collected data, it was found that the maximum relative error rate of the model under different sound states was 6.14%, and the overall error rate of the model was relatively low, which verified the reliability of the model. The findings demonstrated that the feedback delays of the model in different sound states were all within 100 milliseconds, indicating that the system had high real-time performance and accuracy, which was promising in practical applications.


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How to Cite
Liu, J. (2024). Three-dimensional finite element analysis of biological signal feedback in the mechanical properties of sound production. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(1), 277.