Mechanobiological mechanisms in the remediation of soil lead pollution using two-dimensional carbon materials and Morchella: A molecular-level study

  • Hui Jia Gansu Technical Center for Edible Mushroom Engineering in Cold and Arid Regions, College of Modern Agriculture, Wuwei Vocational College, Wuwei 733000, China
  • Yali Kong Gansu Technical Center for Edible Mushroom Engineering in Cold and Arid Regions, College of Modern Agriculture, Wuwei Vocational College, Wuwei 733000, China
Keywords: mechanobiological; lead pollution; two-dimensional; carbon materials; Morchella; molecular-level; multifunctional; graphenic; wettability; nanocoated; membranes
Ariticle ID: 311


Graphene-based 2D carbon composites and Morchella mushrooms are used in the paper to study the mechanobiological mechanisms of soil lead remediation. Soil is contaminated with lead, which threatens ecosystems and human health, making it even more important to find remedies. To fully comprehend these processes, present-day materials, and organic compounds are needed to improve soil nutrition and eradicate lead. To deal with the challenge of finding effective means of lead removal; limitations associated with traditional soil pollution remediation methods; and merging biology and material sciences. Multifunctional graphene wettability-patterned nanocoated membranes (MGW-PNM) is a novel technique developed to overcome these challenges. Such processes result in membranes with different wettability patterns that take advantage of the properties of graphene. This facilitates better interaction between the membrane itself and the surrounding soil as well as lead contaminants by modifying its hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity characteristics. For effective removal of lead, extensive simulation studies were done using MGW-PNM. In line with this, it can be inferred that MGW-PNM also remediates highly capable soils at high-efficiency levels. This was established when comparing modern techniques to past ones where considerable improvements were made on how much lead is extracted from them. The study suggests new ways of addressing environmental contamination resulting from microbial activities in soils by combining advanced materials with biological substances such as Morchella spp. For this purpose, it investigates various molecular interactions occurring among carbonaceous species called Morchella microbes and environmental pollutants like those including Pb.


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How to Cite
Jia, H., & Kong, Y. (2024). Mechanobiological mechanisms in the remediation of soil lead pollution using two-dimensional carbon materials and Morchella: A molecular-level study. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(1), 311.