Research on the effect of music promoting sports performance under biosensor monitoring

  • Yueling Lang School of Music and Dance, Weifang College, Weifang 261000, China
  • Weize Ma Shandong Art Institute, Modern Music Institute, Jinan 250014, China
  • Xiaohui Ma Library, Weifang College, Weifang 261000, China
Keywords: music; sports; biosensor; physiological and psychological changes; perceived exertion and motivation levels; statistical analysis
Article ID: 575


Music has long been considered an approach for improving physical performance and motivation in sports. This study looks into the impact of music on athletes’ performance in sports, employing biosensor monitoring to detect physiological and psychological changes. A total of 100 athletes were randomly assigned to two groups: Group A (n = 50) exercised with music, while Group B (n = 50) exercised without music. Participants participated in identical physical activities, such as endurance runs and strength exercises. Biosensors measured heart rate variability (HRV), oxygen saturation, muscle activity, and galvanic skin response (GSR). Participants also self-reported their motivation levels and perceived effort. The two groups’ performance measures were compared statistically using the independent t-test. Furthermore, within-group variations in recovery durations before and after exercise were assessed using paired t-tests. The association between motivation levels and performance results was evaluated using Pearson’s correlation. The impact of music on a number of physiological indicators was evaluated using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The findings showed that music (Group A) improved sports performance significantly by increasing endurance, lowering perceived exertion, and encouraging faster recovery. Biosensor data showed that the music condition resulted in higher HRV and less muscular tiredness, indicating enhanced physiological efficiency. Participants reported increased motivation and enjoyment when exercising to music. The findings suggest that incorporating personalized music playlists into training programs can improve athletic outcomes.


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How to Cite
Lang, Y., Ma, W., & Ma, X. (2025). Research on the effect of music promoting sports performance under biosensor monitoring. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(2), 575.