Digital technology integration innovation and visual symbol design of Huizhou ink painting skills under bioengineering
In response to the problems of insufficient interactive experience and unstable inheritance caused by information loss and deformation in the teaching process of Huizhou ink painting skills, this article explores a new method to protect and inherit Huizhou ink painting skills through the integration of biotechnology and digital technology. At the same time, a modern visual symbol design is developed to revitalize this ancient art form in contemporary society and promote its dissemination and exchange worldwide. Firstly, traditional Huizhou ink painting materials were analyzed using biotechnology to understand their composition, structure, and aging mechanism. Scientific and effective protective measures were proposed, and a database was constructed by collecting and matching images of each step in the process. Then use 3D modeling to model the manufacturing tools. By extracting visual elements from micro ink artwork images, drawing basic graphics, and completing visual symbol design. Finally, integrate Unity and Vuforia Engine to design an interactive experience module for Weizhou ink painting production skills, creating an immersive digital interactive environment. In the improved micro ink production process experience display experiment, compared with the existing graphic and textual display methods, the audience's satisfaction and innovation scores for the digital integration method were 19.1% and 21.6% higher, respectively. The conclusion indicates that bioengineering analysis can accurately identify and delay the aging process of ink painting materials, while digital technology has successfully achieved high-quality digital reconstruction of classic works.
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