Detection method of arm force point in shot put based on ant colony algorithm
In order to better improve the ability of shot put, an ant colony algorithm-based detection of arm force point in shot put is proposed. Firstly, integrate the ant colony algorithm theory to obtain the values of the two influencing factors of the arm force point, the special absolute strength of the upper limb and the special speed strength training of the upper limb in shot put, calculate the correlation coefficient between the absolute strength training of the upper limb and the arm force point in shot put, and obtain the correlation degree between the influencing factors of the absolute strength training of the upper limb and the arm force point in shot put, Obtain the interaction relationship between the upper limb muscle tissue and the support system, calculate the influence of the work degree of the upper limb muscle under the special speed and strength training of the upper limb on the arm force point in push and throw, give the force of the muscle group in the process of “pulling” and “pushing” shot put in the process of gradually increasing the training load of upper limb throw, and obtain the synergy effect index of the shoulder muscle group in the process of “pushing” shot put. The test model of arm force point in shot put is established. The simulation results show that the proposed detection method of arm force point in shot put based on ant colony algorithm can accurately track and monitor the throwing situation of shot putters, obtain accurate data of arm force point in shot put and optimize the technology.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Zhiteng Wang, Junjian Zheng, Lei Wang, Xiaojiao Jin

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