The role of biomechanics in English vocabulary acquisition: An empirical research of enhancing learning efficiency and student engagement

  • Nan Liu School of International Education, Jiangsu Vocational College of Electronics and Information, Huai’an 223003, China
Keywords: biological perception; English vocabulary; learning efficiency; students’ engagement; statistical analysis
Article ID: 946


Vocabulary acquisition is a fundamental aspect of language learning, and mastery of vocabulary has a substantial impact on learners’ capacity to comprehend and communicate successfully in a foreign language. The research’s goal is to investigate how biological perception affects students’ engagement and the effectiveness of their learning of English vocabulary. A total of 286 various academic students participated in this research. The experimental group (EG) (biological perception-assisted learning) and the control group (CG) (standard vocabulary acquisition techniques) are selected at random from among these students. This research uses the SPSS software version 29.0. The data analyze the statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, paired t-test, and ANOVA, to identify any significant differences between the groups. The research assesses the influence of biological perception on vocabulary retention, learning speed, and general engagement of students in the language learning process through an empirical research including a diverse group of students. The results indicate that, when compared to traditional approaches, students exposed to the EG exhibit significantly greater understanding rates (87%), higher levels of engagement (92%), and enhanced learning efficiency (95%), demonstrating the favorable influence of adding biological sensing into language learning procedures. In contrast, the CG, which employed conventional VA techniques, demonstrated only modest improvements across the board, with a learning speed of 85%, understanding rates of 79%, and engagement levels of 81%. This research provides educators looking to improve vocabulary training with useful insights into the possibilities of biological perception-based tactics for language learning enhancement.


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How to Cite
Liu, N. (2025). The role of biomechanics in English vocabulary acquisition: An empirical research of enhancing learning efficiency and student engagement. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(2), 946.