Application of biomechanics in graphic design and ergonomic optimization
For patients recovering from spinal diseases, ordinary seats often lack support and correction functions, which can easily lead to problems such as spinal curvature and lumbar disc herniation. The study uses MediaPipe to recognize postures and perform 3D graphics modeling, combined with finite element analysis to simulate the coordinated work of the patient’s muscles, bones, and joints, and optimize the design of ergonomic orthosis. First, MediaPipe Pose is used for posture recognition to capture the key point coordinates of the spine and joint positions and obtain dynamic data of the patient’s sitting posture. Next, a 3D model of the patient’s skeleton and spine is built, and the bone structure is generated based on the posture data and refined with ZBrush. Then, a finite element analysis is performed using ANSYS Workbench, and the stress distribution of the spine under the patient’s weight and different sitting pressures is simulated. The orthopedic seat’s geometry and support area distribution are optimized, and adjustment functions are added to improve adaptability. The data results show that the MSE (Mean Square Error) of the optimized spinal curve deviation is only 0.0009; the maximum stress of the intervertebral disc is reduced from 56.1 MPa to 42.4 MPa; the area of the high-stress area is reduced to 12.4cm²; the stress uniformity is improved by 28.1%; the local pressure is reduced by 24.6%. The designed method can significantly reduce the patient’s spinal deviation rate, relieve seat pressure, and have a good rehabilitation auxiliary effect.
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