
Authors can post original, non-peer-reviewed manuscripts on a preprint server for quick and wide dissemination. It is a fast way to make the work and findings known and gain a reputation. There are challenges and concerns to address the verification and integrity of sound science in research published as preprints.


Manuscripts on a community preprint server without peer review will be considered pre-published, provided the following conditions are met:

1) Upon submission, authors must acknowledge receipt of a pre-deposited preprint from the server and provide any associated access numbers or DOIs;

2) Authors should not deposit versions of a revised manuscript under the peer review process to a preprint server as it is under the consideration of the journal;

3) After publication, authors are responsible for updating the preprint with the DOI and a link to the final published version of the paper, and inform the editor.


As a reference, formal citation of preprints in the reference list is encouraged, if authors credit it appropriately.