Biomechanical analysis of physical exercise behavior and characteristics of college students within the framework of ecological model
Based on biomechanical measurement techniques, motion capture systems, and other research methods, the biomechanical model related to physical exercise is comprehensively explored in this paper. From the perspective of this model, the biomechanical individual factors of the microscopic system, such as muscle force generation and joint movement patterns, the biomechanical family, school, community factors of the mesoscopic system, like the influence of sports facilities and coaching on exercise biomechanics, and the biomechanical environment, policies and other factors of the macroscopic system, for example, the impact of urban planning and sports regulations on the biomechanics of exercise spaces, the influencing factors of college students’ physical exercise behavior are analyzed systematically, in detail. The aim is to identify the interconnections between these various biomechanical factors and gain a deeper understanding of the biomechanical characteristics of college students’ physical exercise development. Subsequently, corresponding biomechanical optimization strategies and effective biomechanical training methods to promote the development of college students’ scientific and healthy physical exercise habits are proposed.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Xiaohong Su, Zihao Wang, Liguo Shao, Minghang Li, Xueda Yang, Yunlong Shi, Yan Ma

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