Research on optimization of basketball jumping landing techniques and reduction of ankle joint injury risk based on biomechanics analysis

  • Mingxiao Chen Zhaoqing Medical College, Zhaoqinga 526020, China
Keywords: basketball; ankle joint injury risk; biomechanics; jumping landing techniques; statistical parametric mapping (SPM); ankle stability
Article ID: 600


The ankle joint’s functional state is crucial during dynamic basketball movements, especially jumping and landing. A higher risk of ankle injuries is linked to limited ankle dorsiflexion, which can result in biomechanical alterations affecting landing safely and effectively. To improve basketball jumping landing skills and decrease the risk of ankle joint injuries, the objective of this research is to examine the way difficulties of dorsiflexion in the ankle influence the biomechanics of the lower extremities. Seventy-five participants completed basketball-specific stop-jumping actions on a flat surface (Control), a 10°, 20°, and 30° incline, using data from their dominant legs. The musculoskeletal framework was developed to simulate and analyze biomechanical data related to landing techniques. Post-hoc Tukey testing is utilized to estimate the category variations and it utilizes the statistical parametric mapping (SPM). As the angle of ankle restrictions increased, significant alterations in lower extremity biomechanics were detected during basketball jumping landings. Hip extension angles, knee external rotation angles, angular velocities, and knee extension angular velocities all showed appreciable increases. These findings indicate that increased ankle limitation has a significant impact on the mechanics of lower limb movements during athletic performance. The peripatellar muscles’ co-activation gradually increased, and the landing phase showed a substantial increase in the patellofemoral joint contact force (PTF). The impact of ankle dorsiflexion difficulties in joint strain and kinematics during basketball jumping landings is demonstrated by these findings. An enhanced co-activation of the peripatellar muscles and increased PTF in response to increasing ankle restriction indicate compensatory strategies for maintaining balance during basketball landings. This study emphasizes the significance of improving basketball jumping landing techniques to improve ankle stability and decrease the possibility of ankle joint injuries in players.


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How to Cite
Chen, M. (2024). Research on optimization of basketball jumping landing techniques and reduction of ankle joint injury risk based on biomechanics analysis. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 600.