Vol. 21 No. 3 (2024)
Open Access
Magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis of ankle joint athletic injury based on machine learning algorithmsHongxia Han, Yuanwei Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 414, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb414
The diagnosis of ankle joint athletic injuries using traditional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) relies on the subjective judgment and experience of doctors, and small structural changes in athletic injuries are difficult to accurately detect and diagnose. By using machine learning (ML) algorithms and image processing techniques to obtain objective and consistent diagnostic results, the accuracy of diagnosing ankle joint athletic injuries can be improved. This article collected a large number of MRI images of ankle joint athletic injuries, and preprocessed the collected images to extract morphological and texture features, and perform feature fusion. The Residual Network (ResNet) was improved, and the Leaky linear rectification function (ReLU, Corrected linear unit) activation function was introduced. The transfer learning was utilized to increase the convergence speed of the model, and the global maximum pooling layer and softmax classifier were used to construct the fully connected layer. After sufficient training on the training set, the findings on the test set indicated that the average accuracy of the improved ResNet model for ankle joint injury classification was 98.3%. The use of an improved ResNet model can effectively improve the diagnostic effectiveness of ankle joint athletic injuries, providing a new method for medical diagnosis of MRI.
Open Access
Virtual reality technology in rural sports sustainable development reform researchWang Luo, Xianglin Luo
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 366, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb366
Rural sports support unity among communities, encourage physical exercise in natural environments, and preserve regional traditions all of which are beneficial to sustainable development. Villages frequently encourage environmental stewardship and conservation initiatives, highlight cultural history, and promote local economies. By providing realistic practice environments and simulated games, we used virtual reality (VR) technology to improve rural sports and lessen the demand for substantial development infrastructure. A potential disadvantage of adopting VR technology for rural sports is the possibility of insufficient facilities and supplies available in remote areas. In this paper, we propose a novel World Cup Search-driven Quadratic Support Vector Machine (WCS-QSVM) method to enhance the performance of VR in rural sports. We use one of the Chinese traditional games dragon boating. We employ an immersive setup that replicates the kinematic and sensory subtleties of dragon boating through the use of virtual reality. To allow users to participate in real-world paddling activities, such as moving iron rods on a boat with a reasonably replicated resistance to water, we use a controller-based approach. As a result, we evaluate the performance of our proposal. According to the findings, the use of VR can enhance the growth of sustainable development in rural sports.
Open Access
Exploring the influence of body movements on spatial perception in landscape and interior designPengfei Zhao
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 434, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb434
This study investigates the influence of body movements on spatial perception in both landscape and interior design environments, focusing on how physical interactions shape spatial understanding beyond visual perception alone. Grounded in the theory of embodied cognition, the research examines how gait, posture, and movement dynamics affect spatial awareness. The study captures detailed data on movement patterns and visual engagement across different spatial contexts using a combination of real-world observations and Virtual Reality (VR) simulations, motion-tracking systems, wearable sensors, and eye-tracking technology. A total of 157 participants, aged 20 to 65, navigated both outdoor landscapes and indoor environments, with key variables such as surface materials, spatial layout, and lighting conditions manipulated to assess their effects on spatial perception. The study measured gait speed, step frequency, path deviations, time to destination, visual attention, and subjective ratings of perceived openness, ease of movement, and emotional response. Key findings include that surface materials significantly influenced gait speed and step frequency. For example, participants walking on concrete had a significantly faster gait speed (mean difference = 0.5220, p = 0.001) than those walking on gravel. In terms of spatial layout, the two-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results showed that winding paths led to more path deviations (F-statistic = 350.00, p = 3.19 × 10−8) and longer times to destination (F-statistic = 1744.00, p = 2.39 ´ 10−11) compared to straight paths. The environment type (landscape vs. interior) also significantly affected navigation, with landscape participants showing a more significant deviation from direct paths (F-statistic = 19.60, p = 2.37 × 10−3). Visual engagement data, analyzed through a chi-square test, indicated that vertical elements like walls approached significance in attracting visual attention (Chi-square = 2.88, p = 0.0896), while other elements like trees and benches had less impact. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test results showed significant differences between real-world and VR experiences in perceived openness (W-statistic = 0.0, p = 0.001953), ease of movement (W-statistic = 0.0, p = 0.001953), and comfort (W-statistic = 0.0, p = 0.001953), highlighting VR’s limitations in replicating the full embodied experience of physical spaces.
Open Access
Evaluate the effect of exercise core strength training on antioxidant enzyme activity in women from a biomechanical perspectiveYingshun Li, Yingxue Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 232, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb232
At present, the incidence rate of chronic diseases is increasing year by year. A variety of antioxidant enzymes in the human body, such as Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS), Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH Px), Malonic Dialdehyde (MDA) and Catalase (CAT), help to inhibit the generation of oxygen free radicals and play a certain role in preventing the occurrence of chronic diseases. The research on the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the delivery of antioxidant drugs has gradually become the focus of relevant scholars. The physical quality of women is lower than that of men, so it is of great practical significance to study the antioxidant enzyme activity of women. Therefore, this paper explores the influence of exercise core strength training on women’s antioxidant enzyme activity from a biomechanical perspective and concludes that core strength training can improve female students’ SOD content level by 2.58%, and can improve female students’ NOS content level, GSH-Px content level, and MDA content level. Sports core strength training has a positive impact on women’s antioxidant enzyme activity.
Open Access
Prediction and treatment of joint injuries in basketball training based on improved regression algorithm from the perspective of sports biomechanicsYan Bai, Xiao Yang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 258, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb258
With the increasing popularity of basketball, especially in collegiate competitions like the University Basketball Super League, the sport has become a significant part of student life. The intensity of basketball training and competition has risen, necessitating athletes to have enhanced physical capabilities to meet modern demands. This heightened physical confrontation often leads to various injuries, with joint injuries being particularly common and impactful. This study integrates sports biomechanics with machine learning to address the prediction and treatment of joint injuries in basketball training. By employing an improved regression algorithm and leveraging high-performance computing, we have experimentally analyzed the prediction of joint injuries and proposed effective solutions. Our results indicate that the difference between the highest and lowest predicted residual values for the Back Propagation (BP) model was 0.92, and for the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) regression model was 0.87. Notably, the improved ELM regression model demonstrated a reduced residual difference of 0.43. This improvement suggests that the enhanced ELM regression model offers superior prediction accuracy for joint injuries in basketball training and provides more comprehensive monitoring of athletes’ physical health, thereby supporting the advancement of basketball training programs.
Open Access
Sports biomechanical analysis of knee joint injuries in table tennis playersWenyan Li, Sikuan Ren
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 538, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb538
Table tennis is a fast-paced, explosive sport that puts a lot of strain and stress on players’ lower limbs, particularly their knee joints. This work built a thorough mathematical model to investigate the dynamic and kinematic properties of the knee joint under various motion situations, with the goal of better understanding the biomechanical behavior of the knee joint in table tennis. A model of knee joint motion that takes into account the two degrees of freedom—flexion, extension, and rotation—is put forth based on the concepts of human biomechanics and kinematics theory. This model uses the Newton Euler equation to explain the mechanical behavior of the knee joint and integrates internal forces like muscle forces and external factors like ground reaction forces for torque balance analysis. This study offers a thorough examination of the force distribution and knee joint trajectory in table tennis using numerical simulation techniques. The findings show that the knee joint undergoes considerable compression and shear forces during intense activity, and that the joint’s stress properties vary significantly depending on the kind of movement. This finding is a valuable resource for table tennis players’ knee joint injury prevention and rehabilitation.
Open Access
Full-process supported Simulation Platform Framework based on cloud computing and HPC integrationHao Wang, Jinghua Feng, Lin Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 658, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb658
Simulation technology is widely used in many fields, it usually involves three processes, (i) pre-process, (ii) analysis solver, and (iii) post-process. Simulation calculations require a large amount of computing resources, and users usually need to use cloud and High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems to complete works. Simulation works are increasingly depending on the capacity of HPC or cloud, for cost reasons, people are more willing to use the services than self-built an HPC or Cloud computing cluster. However, that leads to the isolation of calculations and pre- and post-processing work, adding additional time for data transfer. Moreover, simulation engineers also want to use cloud servers in pre-processing and post-processing, since compared with local workstations, cloud servers have significant advantages in saving hardware investment, remote office collaboration, and data integration management. Therefore, we provide a platform framework based on cloud computing and HPC integration that supports the full process of simulation. Then, we implemented it in Tianhe-1A and Tianhe exascale supercomputers and THCloud environments. Through a city area-level explosion simulation experiment, it was verified that the framework can fully support the whole process of simulation, and effectively reduce the time of simulation work, improving the simulation engineer’s work efficiency. The study shows that the platform provides a feasible solution for full-process simulation. Compared with other platforms, it has the characteristics of full-process, high performance and high security.
Open Access
The biomechanics of public speaking: Enhancing political communication and persuasion through posture and gesture analysisXiaojing Ding
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 566, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb566
Effective public speaking is critical in political communication, where non-verbal cues such as posture, gestures, facial expressions, and body movements significantly influence audience perception. Despite the known impact of these biomechanics, research in diverse cultural contexts remains limited. This study addresses this gap by examining the biomechanics of public speaking in the Philippines, focusing on 16 political speakers and 211 audience participants from varied demographic backgrounds. The study uses advanced motion capture technology, high-definition video recordings, and audience perception surveys to investigate how specific non-verbal elements affect audience engagement and perception. Challenges include accurately measuring and isolating the effects of these biomechanical factors amidst varied cultural and linguistic influences. The findings reveal that an upright posture significantly enhances perceived confidence (r = 0.72, p = 0.003) and trustworthiness (r = 0.65, p = 0.004), while high-frequency gestures positively correlate with clarity (β = 0.47, p = 0.008) and persuasiveness (β = 0.66, p = 0.003). Head movements, such as nodding, significantly increase audience engagement (F-value = 5.73, p = 0.002), and high-intensity smiling enhances emotional responses (t-value = 4.86, p = 0.001). These results underscore the importance of biomechanics in political communication, demonstrating that specific gestures and postures are critical in conveying confidence and persuasiveness. The study contributes to the field by offering insights into the strategic use of body language, particularly in multicultural settings, to enhance audience engagement and speaker effectiveness.
Open Access
DeepmiRNATar: A deep learning-based model for miRNA targets predictionHuimin Peng, Chenyu Li, Ying Lu, Dazhou Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 253, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb253
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role in regulating fundamental biological processes such as the cell cycle, differentiation, and apoptosis by directly interacting with multiple genes (mRNAs). This regulatory mechanism has a profound impact on cellular function and the overall physiological condition of an organism. However, the prediction of miRNA-mRNA interactions encounters computational challenges in the field of biology due to the diverse sequences and complex data patterns. To overcome these obstacles, this research effort introduced DeepmiRNATar, a tool designed to precisely pinpoint miRNA targets, offering essential assistance in the realm of disease management. DeepmiRNATar leverages the Word2vec-based DeepLncLoc approach for encoding miRNA sequence characteristics and utilizes the DNABERT pre-trained model for in-depth semantic comprehension of target sequences. Through the integration of TextCNN, BiLSTM, and SpatialConv Attention mechanisms, the model scrutinizes structural features, temporal relationships, and overall interactions within the sequences. Following a series of experimental assessments, DeepmiRNATar attained an impressive AUC of 99.15% on the evaluation dataset, on par with the current leading prediction methodologies. Notably, the precision-recall curve, sensitivity, and F-measure values reached 99.18%, 97.43%, and 95.47%, respectively. Compared to existing miRNA target prediction models, DeepmiRNATar demonstrates a notable enhancement in overall predictive accuracy. The successful creation and experimental validation of the DeepmiRNATar model signify a significant advancement in miRNA target identification technology.
Open Access
Optimization design of biomechanical parameters based on advanced mathematical modellingYuan Wen
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 463, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb463
In recent years the use of biomechanics in athletic training and performance has received a lot of attention, especially in university sports programs. Biomechanics is the study of the mechanical principles that control how biological things move or are constructed. It is critical for understanding the intricate relationships between physical performance, body mechanics, and injury prevention. The objective of this study is to establish how biomechanical variables can be designed and optimized in universities using mathematical modeling. In this study, a novel Emperor Penguin Search-driven Dynamic Feedforward Neural Network (EPSO-DFNN) is proposed to optimize the biomechanical parameters of athletes. Various biomechanical data are utilized from athletes participating in different sports. Biomechanical parameters include muscle activation patterns, joint angles, forces, and movement. The data was preprocessed using Z-score normalization from the obtained data. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using features is extracted from preprocessed data. The proposed method is to identify the optimal configurations for athlete’s movements tailored to their sports and individual biomechanical profiles. The proposed method is the performance of various evaluation metrics such as F1-score (92.76%), precision (91.42%), accuracy (90.02%), and recall (89.69%). The result demonstrated that the proposed method effectively improved the performance in athletic capabilities compared to other traditional algorithms. This study demonstrates how mathematical modeling may be used to optimize biomechanical characteristics, providing insightful information that can be used to improve athletic performance and encourage safer behaviors in athletic settings.
Open Access
Biomechanical analysis and teaching strategies of complex movements in physical education teachingBenlai Cui, Hui Wu
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 478, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb478
This study suggests a new method for evaluating students’ ordinariness of movement in professional physical education by developing an assessment algorithm based on the biomechanical analysis of complex motions. The study aims to provide purposeful and data-driven techniques for assessing and optimizing movement ability in intricate physical tasks by utilizing higher motion capture and deep learning (DL) approaches, especially the Updated African Buffalo Optimization Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network (UABO-DCNN) categorization. The method includes collecting data utilizing high-precision movement capture equipment to research certain multifaceted movements, preprocessing trajectory data to extract kinematic, temporal, and spatial information, and increasing categorization algorithms with UABO-DCNN. The consequences specify that the algorithm can differentiate between normal and abnormal association patterns with outstanding accuracy. The UABO-DCNN model measures physical education teaching complex movements with accuracy (99.43%), precision (98.12%), recall (98.50%), F1-score (98.56%), and specificity (98.40%). Furthermore, the result is reliable, with a broader tendency toward instructive skill and individualized learning, which requires the development of physical education instruction actions by creating a culture of physical literacy and well-being. The implication of this employment includes an enhanced approach to promote optimal association skill increase in students, particularly for confronting complicated biomechanical measures.
Open Access
The effects of muscle factors irisin on lipid metabolism in breast cancer: A possible mechanism anti-tumor mechanism of physical activityJiaxin Zhu, Chengxiang Li, Siyu Tian, Meng Ding
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 345, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb345
Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the female population and is a significant cause of global cancer deaths in this group. Obesity increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer and has a negative impact on prognosis. Metabolic alterations are an important part of the process of cancer migration; invasion and proliferation, with lipids being a major metabolic substrate for rapid cancer progression, capable of influencing the metabolic crosstalk between tumor cells and other cells in the tumor microenvironment. Physical activity-induced irisin affects the progression of obesity-associated breast cancer and is a new indicator for breast cancer diagnosis. Existing evidence suggests a potential inhibitory effect of physical activity-induced irisin on the progression of breast cancer. A strong association exists between obesity and breast cancer progression and outcomes. This paper discusses how physical activity-induced irisin may achieve cancer suppression by affecting lipid metabolic processes between breast cancer cells and cancer-associated adipocytes, and elucidates the molecular pathways involved in the effects of irisin on cancer lipid reprogramming, thereby helping to prevent the metastatic progression of breast cancer, and ultimately improving the survival rate of this patient group.
Open Access
Research on the path of technological innovation and resource allocation optimization of state-owned enterprises from the perspective of ecological environment and biomechanicsXiangguo Yin
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 648, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb648
In the evolving global landscape, competition among nations has increasingly centered on the allocation of innovation resources, which are crucial for enterprises to implement development strategies under supply-side reforms. The efficiency and rationality of resource allocation directly affect the innovation capacity and operational performance of enterprises. This paper examines the relationship between technological innovation and resource allocation in state-owned enterprises through the lens of the ecological environment, employing data from multiple sources and utilizing the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model to assess resource allocation efficiency. The study reveals that the proportion of R&D personnel invested in enterprises in China increased significantly from 46.35% to 73.38%, while the proportion in research institutions and universities declined to 11.48% and 11.36%, respectively. These shifts underscore the growing dominance of state-owned enterprises in driving technological innovation. The findings highlight that aligning technological innovation mechanisms with ecological sustainability not only enhances innovation capabilities and competitiveness but also accelerates industrial development and contributes to the sustainable growth of the national economy.
Open Access
The impact of ergonomics and biomechanics on optimizing learning environments in higher education managementKang Liu, Yiwen Zhou
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 396, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb396
In higher education, the design of learning environments is serious in prompting student well-being, engagement, and academic performance. Traditional classrooms often lack ergonomic consideration, leading to discomfort, increased physical strain, and reduced concentration. As education evolves, there is a growing need to apply ergonomic and biomechanical principles to create spaces that accommodate students’ diverse physical and cognitive needs. Despite the theoretical support for these interventions, there is limited empirical evidence on their practical impact in educational settings. This study addresses this gap by examining the effects of ergonomic and biomechanical adjustments on student outcomes in higher education. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the research was conducted across four universities with a diverse sample of 126 students. The interventions included adjusting furniture, optimized spatial layouts, and environmental adjustments to assess their influence on postural alignment, muscle activity, and engagement. Key findings revealed significant improvements: postural alignment showed an increase in spinal angle from 118° to 133° and a reduction in neck angle from 37° to 29°. Muscle activity, particularly in the neck and lower back, decreased by 40% and 44%, respectively. Additionally, self-reported comfort improved from a mean of 2.8 to 4.3, while physical strain decreased from 3.7 to 2.2. Engagement levels also improved, with scores rising from 3.1 to 4.5. These results underscore the importance of ergonomic design in promoting student well-being and fostering a more conducive learning environment, providing evidence-based recommendations for optimizing learning spaces in higher education.
Open Access
Algorithm for simulating calligrapher’s stroke features using neural networksXiaojun Zhu
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 556, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb556
In the field of calligraphy art, simulating the stroke features of calligraphers has always been a challenging task. Traditional methods often rely on manually designed rules or feature extraction algorithms, which are difficult to accurately capture calligraphy details and time-consuming. This article aimed to explore a more effective method to simulate the stroke features of calligraphers using neural network technology. This article mainly explored the simulation algorithm of calligrapher stroke features based on neural networks, including calligrapher stroke feature statistics, calligrapher stroke feature abstraction, and calligrapher stroke feature extraction. By using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn and analyze calligraphy works, a better performance neural network model was established to achieve automatic recognition and classification of calligrapher stroke features. By continuously optimizing model parameters, the accuracy of calligrapher stroke feature simulation can be improved. The average similarity rates for imitating stroke features of five calligraphers (regular script, cursive script, clerical script, seal script, and running script) using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) were 0.72, 0.62, 0.40, 0.33, and 0.53, respectively. The average similarity rates for imitating stroke features of 5 calligraphers (regular script, cursive script, clerical script, seal script, and running script) using CNN were 0.93, 0.78, 0.87, 0.67, and 0.80, respectively. The research results of this article promoted the inheritance and innovation of calligraphy art, and expanded the expression forms and application fields of calligraphy art.
Open Access
Wave propagation and soliton behavior in biomechanical tissues: A mathematical approachMan Jiang, Dan Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 424, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb424
This study presents a mathematical model for understanding wave propagation and soliton behavior in biomechanical tissues, explicitly focusing on the Achilles tendon. Utilizing the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, the research incorporates the Achilles tendons’ nonlinear elastic and viscoelastic properties to explore how mechanical waves propagate through this complex tissue. The tendon’s nonlinear elasticity leads to wave steepening, while its viscoelasticity introduces dispersive effects that counteract this steepening, resulting in the formation of solitons—stable, localized waves that maintain their shape as they propagate. Key findings from this study reveal that the formation and propagation of solitons are strongly influenced by the tendon’s mechanical properties. Numerical simulations show that stiffer tendons, characterized by a higher elasticity modulus, support faster soliton propagation, with wave speeds ranging from 18.9 m/s in damaged tendons to 28.6 m/s in stiffened tendons. Additionally, soliton amplitude increases with tissue stiffness, with the highest amplitude observed in stiffened tendons (5.1 mm) and the lowest in damaged tendons (3.2 mm). The study also demonstrates that energy dissipation due to the tendon’s viscoelasticity plays a critical role in soliton behavior. Damaged tendons exhibit the highest energy loss (18.6%), leading to shorter soliton propagation distances, while stiffer tendons retain more energy (96.1%) and allow solitons to travel further distances (up to 180 mm). Moreover, the balance between nonlinearity and dispersion is crucial for maintaining soliton stability. Excessive nonlinearity leads to unstable solitons, while higher levels of dispersion contribute to more stable waveforms.
Open Access
Exploring human body dynamics to optimize spatial arrangements in interior and landscape designNi Yin, Bin Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 532, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb532
The interplay between human body dynamics (HBD) and spatial design (SD) is a crucial yet often overlooked factor in creating environments that optimize comfort, efficiency, and usability. This paper explores the application of HBD, including biomechanics, posture, gait, and balance, to the design of both interior and landscape spaces. Through analyzing body mechanics and movement patterns, this research aims to provide a framework for designers to create spaces that support natural human movement while reducing physical strain and enhancing user experience. This paper demonstrates how spatial arrangements can be optimized for various activities, user groups, and environments by utilizing gait analysis, motion capture, and force plate testing. Case studies from ergonomically designed office spaces, public transportation hubs, outdoor parks, and residential facilities illustrate the practical benefits of integrating HBD into SD. The research also identifies the limitations of current design practices, such as cost, complexity, and the lack of comprehensive data on diverse populations. Additionally, the paper explores future research opportunities, particularly the role of advancements in artificial intelligence, biomechanics, and wearable technology in creating dynamic, adaptive spaces that respond to user needs. The findings highlight the importance of SD that are visually appealing and aligned with users’ physical and ergonomic needs, ensuring that both interior and landscape environments promote comfort, accessibility, and overall well-being.
Open Access
Enhancing the effectiveness of English grammar teaching through biomechanical feedback and deep learning algorithmsXueqin Gong, Dongjie Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 570, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb570
This study investigates the integration of biomechanical feedback—targeting posture, gestures, and articulation mechanics—with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to improve the effectiveness of English grammar instruction. Traditional teaching methods frequently overlook the physical aspects of speech production, which are critical for both written and spoken language proficiency. In this study, 94 participants from China were divided into an Experimental Group (EG) receiving biomechanical feedback and a Control Group (CG) receiving traditional instruction. Key findings show that the EG demonstrated significant improvements in grammar accuracy (16.2%), sentence fluency (12.1%), and error reduction (12.3%) compared to the CG, with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). The EG reported high satisfaction with the learning process, with 88.3% providing positive feedback on the overall experience. The CNN was instrumental in analyzing linguistic and biomechanical data, enabling personalized feedback that improved participant’ speech clarity, pronunciation accuracy, and grammar retention. These results highlight the potential of integrating physical movement with AI-driven feedback to enhance grammar learning outcomes, offering a more comprehensive and engaging approach to language instruction.
Open Access
Application of social media data mining in biomechanical and tactical analysis of tennis tournament playersHongmin Yu, Xiaokang Wei
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 425, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb425
The rise of social media has provided a rich source of real-time data for analyzing player performance and tactics in professional sports, particularly tennis. This study harnesses social media data mining techniques to analyze tennis-related discussions on Twitter, focusing on identifying biomechanical patterns and tactical strategies during major tournaments. We propose a hybrid model combining Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) for generating contextual embeddings and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) for analyzing the sequential nature of tweets. The data collection spans tweets discussing key tournaments, including the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and US Open. It focuses on specific player movements such as footwork, speed, endurance, and tactical decisions like serve placement, net play, and shot selection. Our methodology includes preprocessing the data, tokenizing the text, and applying sentiment analysis to capture public perception of player performance. The model achieves an accuracy of 88.5% and an F1-score of 87.95%, outperforming comparative models such as BERT with CNN and GloVe with LSTM. The analysis highlights key player-specific tactics, including Rafael Nadal’s baseline dominance and Novak Djokovic’s defensive play, as well as tournament-specific strategies, such as serve-and-volley at Wimbledon and baseline control at the French Open. Furthermore, sentiment analysis reveals positive public perception toward player performance, with key emotions such as excitement and admiration frequently expressed during intense match moments. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of applying advanced NLP techniques to social media data for sports analytics. The insights generated can inform players, coaches, and analysts in enhancing performance strategies and understanding public reactions. Using social media data, our approach provides a scalable framework for analyzing tactical shifts and player performance in other sports contexts.
Open Access
Integrating gesture and posture analysis in enhancing English language teaching effectivenessZhenqiu Yang, Hongying Yang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 571, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb571
Non-verbal communication, particularly gestures and posture, is vital in enhancing student engagement, comprehension, and retention in language learning. This study investigates the impact of integrating deliberate gestures and posture into English language teaching, focusing on student learning outcomes. A controlled experiment was conducted with 58 participants (8 teachers and 50 students) divided into Experimental Groups (EG) and Control Groups (CG). Teachers in the EG received training on the effective use of iconic, deictic, metaphoric, and beat gestures and posture awareness techniques, while the CG followed traditional teaching practices. Data were collected through pre-and post-tests, student surveys, classroom observations, and retention assessments. The results demonstrated significant improvements in the EG compared to the CG across all measures. Comprehension scores in the EG increased by 6.62 points, compared to 2.96 points in the CG (T-statistic = 3.27, P-value = 0.002). Student engagement levels were also higher in the EG, with more frequent participation, higher motivation, and a more substantial influence of gestures and posture on learning (F-statistic for engagement = 18.27, P-value = 0.002). Additionally, retention of language concepts two weeks after the intervention was significantly higher in the EG, with an 8.50% improvement over the CG (Cohen’s d = 2.01, large effect size). Regression analysis further confirmed that gesture frequency and type strongly predicted comprehension, engagement, and retention improvements.
Open Access
Lower limb movement analysis of different skipping rope modes based on Opensim: A middle-aged demograrphic studyCongjiang Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb190
Introduction: Skipping rope is a popular exercise with various techniques. Understanding lower limb movement variance is crucial for optimizing performance and preventing injuries. Aim: To comprehensively analyze lower limb movement during different skipping rope modes using OpenSim, investigating biomechanical factors at the knee, ankle, and hip joints. The objective is to forcast the possible injuries and determines perception for optimizing the methods of exercise and analysis procedures. Method: The study analyze and evaluate the motions of lower limb in various rope skipping methods like boxer skip, single leg jumps, double-under and crossover jumps to comprehensively analyze the effects of biomechanical. In this research, we employed 56 participants and utilized the kinetic and kinematic data of motion capture model to obtain the data. Statistical analysis was performed to calculate the gathered data. Results: joint moment, joint flexion angle, muscle forces, and maximum joint flexion were thoroughly analyzed by OpenSim. In this research, important variations were examined in biomechanics in lower limb throughput various rope skipping methods. The double-under jumps determined the maximum hip and ankle forces of muscles comparison with other techniques and single leg jumps provided highest angles of knee bending. Boxer skip demonstrated the different types of joints motion and determining load variance mechanisms. Conclusion: The research emphasizes the significance by considering biomechanics in lower limb while demonstrating diverse rope skipping methods.
Open Access
Factors and clinical characteristics of anterior cruciate ligament injury caused by basketball training injury based on multimedia visual imagesYan Bai, Jian Li, Yong Jiang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 196, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb196
With the coordinated development of China’s national economy and the people’s awareness of the importance of physical and mental health, people have become active in sports, and the development of sports medical care for athletes is particularly important. In training, athletes are likely to have ligament injuries, which makes athletes face rehabilitation, prevention and other problems. This paper describes the joint structure, injury factors and preventive measures of the anterior cruciate ligament, and compares the detection algorithm based on multimedia visual image with the traditional algorithm, focusing on the contrast between the clarity of the cruciate ligament injury image and the image information obtained. The results showed that the algorithm under machine learning improved 16.7% in the clarity of the athletes’ ligaments compared with the traditional algorithm, and the amount of information obtained increased 0.168, which made it better to understand the situation of the basketball players’ cruciate ligaments, so as to better prevent them, providing the best rehabilitation training for basketball players. This paper has a certain reference significance for basketball players in the research of cruciate ligament injury.
Open Access
Innovative machine learning approach for analysing biomechanical factors in running-related injuriesRui Han, Feng Qi, Hong Wang, Mingnong Yi
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 530, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb530
Running-related injuries are a significant concern for recreational and competitive athletes, often resulting from complex biomechanical interactions. Traditional injury assessment methods are limited in their ability to capture dynamic, real-time data, necessitating the need for more advanced predictive tools. This study proposes an innovative machine-learning approach to predict running-related injuries by analyzing biomechanical data collected from 84 active runners. The data included joint angles, ground reaction forces, stride length, muscle activation, and foot pressure, captured through wearable sensors during laboratory-controlled and outdoor running sessions. An ensemble model combining Gradient-Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and Support Vector Machines (SVM) was developed to predict injury risk. The results indicate that ground reaction force, foot pressure, and stride length were the most significant predictors of injury. The proposed ensemble model achieved an accuracy of 88.37%, outperforming individual models such as GBDT (83.74%) and LSTM (81.29%). The findings suggest that integrating machine learning techniques with biomechanical analysis can significantly enhance the prediction and prevention of running-related injuries. This research offers valuable insights into developing personalized injury prevention strategies, potentially reducing injury occurrence among athletes.
Open Access
Optimization strategy of computer numerical control machining process parameters in biomanufacturing moldXiaochun Nie, Qin Gao, Yunling Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 724, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb724
With the rapid development of biomanufacturing technology in the medical and pharmaceutical fields, the demand for high-precision and high-quality molds has surged. When Computer numerical control (CNC) machining biomanufacturing molds, the optimization of process parameters becomes the key to improve efficiency and quality. The purpose of this study is to explore the optimization strategy of CNC machining process parameters to achieve the best surface quality, dimensional accuracy and machining efficiency. Through literature review, the spindle speed, feed speed and cutting depth are selected as the key parameters, and the multi-objective optimization model is constructed by response surface method, which is solved by genetic algorithm. The experiment shows that the process parameters of CNC system in mold manufacturing are cutting speed 100 (m/min), feed rate 0.2 (mm/rev) and cutting depth 0.5 (mm), which will effectively reduce the manufacturing cost, and effectively control the alarm times within 35 times in different processing equipment, greatly reduce the risk. The optimization strategy can significantly improve the surface quality and productivity of the mold and reduce the cost. The comparative analysis verifies the effectiveness of the method, which provides new theoretical and technical support for CNC machining in the field of biomanufacturing.
Open Access
Research on the biomechanical characteristics of basketball player injuries and their application in sports rehabilitationXinke Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 493, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb493
Basketball is a dynamic sport, characterized by fast moves, powerful hops, and constant changes in direction, which contributes to its great intensity and excitement. However, these same features elevate athletes to a risk of various types, which include the most common ones such as ligament tears, knee problems, and ankle sprains. The knowledge of the risk factors associated with particular movement patterns and environmental conditions is made possible by knowledge of the biomechanical qualities of these injuries is crucial if one has to develop effective preventive and rehabilitation strategies. The purpose of the study is to establish the biomechanical characteristics of basketball player injuries and their application in sports rehabilitation. The study proposed a novel Tunicate Swarm Optimized Flexible Extreme Boosting (TSO-FXGBoost) to predict the injuries of basketball players and their sports rehabilitation. Player’s motion data capture sessions utilize cameras and sensors to record their biomechanics during basketball activities. A Gaussian filter was employed to process the data to eliminate the noise present in the biomechanical data. Principal component analysis (PCA) served as a dimensionality reduction approach to extract relevant features from the pre-processed data. The results demonstrate that certain biomechanical features have a strong correlation with the occurrence of injuries, which indicates great potential in the strategies of prevention of injuries. In a comparative analysis, the suggested approach performs various assessment metrics such as accuracy (98%), recall (96.2%), precision (98.49%), and F1 score (97.8%). The suggested approach and rehabilitation strategies can be customized to each player’s unique biomechanical profile, improving rehabilitation times and lowering the risk of re-injury.
Open Access
The effect of sterilization treatment on the synthesis of key biomolecules and microbial communities in fruit wine fermentationMeng Li, Lingwen Zeng
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 479, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb479
Sterilization treatments impact microbial communities and key biomolecule synthesis, influencing the aroma and quality of fruit wine fermentation. However, the roles of microorganisms in various fermentation techniques and the impact of sterilization treatments on aroma formation and key biomolecule synthesis are not well understood. This study aims to elucidate the effects of sterilization treatments on the synthesis of key biomolecules and microbial community dynamics in fruit wine fermentation, focusing on their relation to aroma compounds. Using purple fruit as the primary subject, we analyzed the starting and final microbe populations in controlled test fermentation (CTF) and natural test fermentation (NTF) under different sterilizing treatments employing advanced sequencing strategies. We utilized multivariate analysis and regression analyses, via the SPSS tool to examine relationships between microbial fungal and bacterial genus-level communities, microbiological diversity, permanent substances aromatic substances, and physiological indexes. In NTF, we identified a total of 150 fungal genera, and 140 bacterial genera, with dominant genera including Candida, Burkholderia, Streptococcus, and Oenococcus. In CTF, 400 fungal genera, and 120 bacterial genera were identified, with the dominant genera being Geotrichum, Pichia, Aspergilus, and Saccharomyces, alongside Streptococcus, Paucibacter, Pantoea, Akkermansia, Lactobacillus, and Bifidobacterium. Positive correlations were observed between specific microbial genera and flavor compounds in both fermentation methods. This study provides insights into how sterilization treatments affect microbial dynamics and key biomolecule synthesis, offering valuable resources for enhancing the aromatic profile of fruit wine.
Open Access
Design and research of intelligent watt hour meter fault early warning system based on data mining technologyTaorong Wang, Zhengang Shi, Tao Peng, Linhao Zhang, Bo Gao, Hongxi Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 557, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb557
With the rapid development of information technology and the continuous improvement of communication technology, electric energy meters are innovating and developing towards networking, informatization and intelligence. This research constructs a model design of electric energy failure early warning system based on big data mining technology under the background of big data. It analyzes and studies the intelligent electric energy meter failure early warning system. Through the analysis and comparison of the factors affected, comprehensive performance and application prospects of the intelligent electric energy meter failure early warning system under different data mining technologies, the research results show that the application of big data mining technology makes the heavy work of data collection and data analysis integrate big data mining technology, it can be popularized more widely and applied to more scenarios, thus reducing the manual workload, it makes the work efficiency more significantly improved, and can promote the reform of China’s smart grid more quickly.
Open Access
Investigating the impact of different loading modalities on bone quality among athletes in various sportsDing Peng, Ming Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 580, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb580
The impact of different loading modalities on bone quality is a crucial area of study for understanding athletic performance and injury prevention. This research investigates how high-impact, low-impact, and resistance training activities influence Bone Mineral Density (BMD), cortical thickness, trabecular number, and stiffness index among athletes from various sports disciplines. A total of 152 athletes from different regions in China were assessed using advanced diagnostic techniques, including Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS), and Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT). The study also examines the interaction between demographic factors, such as age and gender, and their effects on bone adaptation. Statistical analyses, including Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and effect size calculations, were employed to quantify the impact of each loading modality. Results reveal that high-impact sports significantly enhance BMD and bone microarchitecture, showing the highest effect sizes among all groups. Resistance training also demonstrates positive, though less pronounced, outcomes, while low-impact activities contribute minimally to bone development. The findings emphasize the importance of loading intensity and modality for optimizing bone health, providing evidence-based recommendations for athletes, coaches, and healthcare professionals to design effective training programs that enhance skeletal strength and prevent injury.
Open Access
Developing an optimization model for minimizing musculoskeletal stress in repetitive motion tasksRuohan Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 567, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb567
Repetitive motion tasks are widely prevalent in various industries, including manufacturing and office environments, often leading to significant musculoskeletal stress and associated injuries. The continuous nature of these tasks, coupled with improper posture, excessive force exertion, and inadequate rest periods, exacerbates the risk of long-term damage to muscles, joints, and tendons. This paper presents a novel approach to minimizing musculoskeletal stress by developing a Reinforcement Learning (RL)—based optimization model. The model dynamically adjusts real-time task parameters, such as posture, speed, and force exertion, to reduce joint load, muscle activation, and cumulative fatigue while maintaining task performance and productivity. Data was collected from 45 participants performing repetitive tasks in a controlled laboratory environment. Key biomechanical factors, including joint load, muscle activation, and cumulative fatigue, were measured using motion capture, electromyography (EMG), and force plate systems. The RL was trained and validated using this data, with significant improvements observed across all key metrics. The results demonstrated that the model achieved an average reduction of 25%–28% in joint load, 23%–29% in muscle activation, and 26%–28% in cumulative fatigue. In addition, task completion times and accuracy were maintained or improved, demonstrating the model’s effectiveness in balancing ergonomic benefits with productivity. This study provides an integrated approach to reducing musculoskeletal stress while ensuring task efficiency, offering a dynamic, data-driven solution that can be applied across various industries. The findings suggest that RL optimization can significantly improve worker health and task sustainability without compromising organizational performance.
Open Access
Blind source separation algorithm for biomedical signal based on lie group manifoldDaguang Cheng, Mingliang Zheng
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 631, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb631
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a powerful tool for solving blind source separation problem in biomedical engineering. The traditional ICA algorithm ignores the Lie group structure of constrained matrix manifold. In this paper, a gradient descent algorithm on Lie group manifold is proposed based on the geometric framework of optimization algorithm on Riemann manifold. Firstly, the orthogonal constraint separation matrices are regarded as a Lie group manifold, and the gradient of ICA objective function on the Lie group manifold is given by using Riemann metric; Secondly, the geodesic equation of the current iteration point along the gradient descent direction is calculated; Finally, a new iteration point is obtained by moving a certain step along the geodesic line, meanwhile, the step length can be adjusted adaptively. Simulation results show that the gradient algorithm on Lie group manifold is feasible for blind Source Separation, and its performance (convergence speed, stability and error) is better than other algorithms.
Open Access
Biomechanical analysis of balance control in the elderly By Ba Duan JinYe Cheng, Yan Song, Feilong Wu
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 541, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb541
This study aims to evaluate the biomechanical effects of Ba Duan Jin on balance control in the elderly, seeking effective fitness methods to enhance their balance capabilities and reduce the risk of falls. Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG), with 25 individuals in each. The Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and mechanical measurements were utilized to evaluate the participants’ balance abilities and biomechanical performance. Statistical analyses were performed to compare the outcomes between the EG and CG, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the differences. Results: The experimental group demonstrated a significant improvement in the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) scores (p < 0.01), with a notable increase in the eyes-closed standing task (BBS6), which reached significance (p < 0.05), indicating a consistent advantage for the experimental group in this area. Biomechanical measurements revealed that the experimental group exhibited significantly higher parameters compared to the control group, including stability index (EG: 0.7 ± 0.1/2.2 ± 0.4, CG: 0.6 ± 0.1/1.9 ± 0.3), power (EG: 3.2 ± 0.5/3.8 ± 0.6, CG: 2.9 ± 0.4/3.5 ± 0.5), energy expenditure (EG: 20.1 ± 3.8/25.0 ± 4.3, CG: 16.5 ± 3.2/20.3 ± 3.8), and step frequency (EG: 95.0 ± 5.5/105.0 ± 6.0, CG: 85.0 ± 5.0/100.0 ± 5.5). Additionally, peak force (EG: 345.2 ± 30.1/412.6 ± 35.8, CG: 310.4 ± 28.5/310.4 ± 28.5), impact force (EG: 68.3 ± 7.2/85.7 ± 8.9, CG: 55.8 ± 6.7/72.4 ± 8.1), average force (EG: 280.5 ± 25.6/320.7 ± 30.2, CG: 245.3 ± 22.8/280.1 ± 26.4), and direction of force (EG: 10.0 ± 2.0/15.0 ± 2.5, CG: 8.5 ± 1.5/12.0 ± 2.0) also exhibited significant differences (p < 0.05). Notably, the static single-leg stance (EG: 3.38 ± 0.39, CG: 2.38 ± 0.50), dynamic sit-to-stand (EG: 3.77 ± 0.34, CG: 2.85 ± 0.37), turning movements (EG: 3.88 ± 0.27, CG: 2.58 ± 0.56), and double-leg step-ups (EG: 4.00 ± 0.02, CG: 2.69 ± 0.49) displayed extremely significant differences (p < 0.01). These results indicate that Ba Duan Jin training effectively enhances balance control and reduces the risk of falls among the elderly. Conclusion: As a traditional form of physical exercise, Ba Duan Jin effectively enhances balance control and reduces the risk of falls among older adults, providing valuable practical evidence for health management in this population. Future research should focus on conducting more long-term studies with larger sample sizes to verify the applicability and long-term effects of Ba Duan Jin across various age groups and health conditions in older individuals.
Open Access
Investigation research on the mechanism of knee joint injury in table tennis players landing before and after fatigue during stroke playPenghui Zhang, Yuqi He, Shirui Shao, Wei Luo, Dongxu Wang, Julien S. Baker
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 252, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb252
This study investigated the relationship between lower extremity biomechanics and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in table tennis players before and after fatigue. We compared the biomechanical changes in the lower limbs of table tennis players during landing after completing a chasse-step while stroking, both before and after fatigue. A further aim was to examine ACL injury and provide a reference for training table tennis players. Ten national Level I table tennis players underwent lower extremity neuromuscular fatigue by running at a constant speed. Biomechanical data of the athletes were collected before and after fatigue. The effects of movement and characteristic time before and after fatigue on biomechanics were determined using a paired sample t-test. After fatigue, the angle of the ankle joint and the range of motion of the knee joint were significantly reduced (p < 0.001), while the angle of motion of the hip joint did not change considerably (p = 0.747). The angular velocity of the ankle and knee joints increased significantly after fatigue (p < 0.001), but the angular velocity of the hip joint decreased significantly (p = 0.013). Additionally, the ankle plantar flexion moment (p = 0.003), knee flexion moment (p < 0.001), and hip flexion moment (p < 0.001) increased significantly after fatigue. The ankle power (p = 0.023), knee power (p = 0.009), and hip power (p < 0.001) were significantly reduced throughout the landing cycle after fatigue. Fatigue in table tennis athletes reduces the sagittal plane buckling angle of the knee and ankle joints during landing. This change increases ground reaction and knee joint forces, significantly elevating the risk of knee injuries, including ACL tears. The reduced flexion angle exposes the knee to greater torque and diminishes its shock absorption capacity, heightening the risk of lower limb injuries. These findings underscore the need to address the impact of fatigue on landing mechanics in sports training and rehabilitation, emphasizing preventive measures.
Open Access
Research on the application of biomechanics analysis in optimizing physical education movement techniquesMing Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 496, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb496
College and university students’ general health, fitness, and well-being are greatly enhanced by physical education. As various educational institutions work to improve the efficacy of their physical education programs, more evidence-based techniques are required. Biomechanics, to the movement or structure of student activities, provides insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of physical movements. This study aims to explore how physical activity movement skills can be systematically improved by the use of biomechanics analysis, leading to improved physical results and increased student participation in sports and fitness activities. In this study, a novel synergistic fibroblast-optimized malleable convolutional neural network (SFO-MCNN) is proposed to enhance teaching practices using a biomechanical framework that integrates movement analysis. The data collected from cameras that record students’ movements, capturing joint angles and body positions, as well as data from sensors are gathered from the Kaggle. The data was preprocessed using data cleaning and normalization for the obtained data. A system for assessing instruction quality was created using the suggested model and improved SFO. The findings show that the proposed algorithm has the greatest evaluations for average skill performance, physical fitness, student happiness, and physical education teaching efficiency. By comparing the outcomes with those of conventional approaches, the effectiveness of the proposed framework in improving physical education teaching techniques has been established.
Open Access
Exploration of the biological basis and training strategies for building athletes’ psychological resilienceGuangmin Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 470, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb470
Background: Psychological resilience (PR) is crucial for athletes to perform at their best and recover from failures. However, its biological basis and effective training strategies remain under-explored. Many athletes face psychological challenges that affect their overall well-being and performance. Furthermore, resilience training can benefit from a greater awareness of the biomechanical components of athletes’ performance. To help athletes achieve their best, trainers and sports psychologists must understand resilience’s molecular principles and develop effective training strategies that integrate psychological and biomechanical components. Objective: The study aims (1) to explore the resilience profiles of athletes categorized as high resilience group and moderate resilience group, (2) to assess the biomechanical characteristics associated with these resilience profiles through sensor data, and (3) to determine the relationships between resilience, health-related behaviors, well-being, and perceived social support. Methodology: A cross-sectional online survey with 120 participants was conducted to assess health-related behaviors and well-being pre- and post-intervention. Additionally, biomechanical sensors were used to capture athletes’ movement and performance during training sessions. Data was collected using the social support scale and resilience scale. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and correlation analyses were used to analyze the data. Qualitative interviews with athletes provided additional insights into the relationship between resilience profiles and associated characteristics. Result: The findings revealed that athletes in the high resilience group exhibited significantly healthier lifestyle choices, greater overall well-being, and higher perceived social support compared to the moderate resilience group. Correlational analyses showed stronger relationships between resilience scores and associated characteristics in the high resilience group, suggesting that biomechanical efficiency contributes to their resilience. Conclusion: The characteristics and correlates of resilience profiles in athletes can advise tailored interventions to influence PR and biomechanical performance, benefiting their performance and mental health.
Open Access
Optimization research on biomechanical characteristics and motion detection technology of lower limbs in basketball sportsWeidong Cheng, Weimin Cheng
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 488, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb488
In basketball, the biomechanics of the lower limbs play a significant role in executing specific movements like sprints, jumps, and directional changes. Optimizing the performance of these movements is necessary for enhancing overall athletic performance and reducing injury risks. The objective of the research is to generate and execute a motion detection algorithm focusing on lower limbs in basketball utilizing a deep learning (DL) based approach. The study proposes the Refined Harries Hawks optimized Intelligent Long-Short Term Memory (RHH-ILSTM) method to improve the accuracy of detecting and analyzing biomechanical characteristics of lower limb movements. Data collection involved basketball players equipped with wearable sensors on their lower limbs to gather on-time data throughout dynamic movements to train the method. The data is pre-processed to remove noise, normalize values, and segment movements into discrete time intervals. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is utilized to extract characteristics by reducing the dimensionality of the data while maintaining significant biomechanical aspects. The RHH-ILSTM system combines the exploration capabilities of the RHH optimization algorithm with ILSTM’s capacity to handle time-series data, leading to improved detection accuracy of lower limb biomechanics. The model efficiently captures crucial lower limb biomechanics, achieving a higher accuracy (94.58%) and recall (95.62%) in detecting movement phases and joint stresses. The proposed RHH-ILSTM method provides a robust solution for monitoring and analyzing lower limb movements in basketball.
Open Access
Biomechanical analysis and rehabilitation strategies of common lower limb injuries in sprintersZhenzhu Hao
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 489, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb489
Lower limb injuries are established among sprinters, often ensuing from repetitive pressure and biomechanical disorganisations. Considering these injuries’ mechanisms and emerging actual rehabilitation approaches are crucial for enhancing performance and preventing repetition. This research aims to evaluate the biomechanical influences associated with common lower limb injuries in sprinters and measure the efficacy of targeted reintegration strategies. A randomized sample of 56 sprinters with a history of lower limb injuries participated in this research. An inclusive biomechanical analysis was employed using 3D motion capture technology to assess running mechanics. Variables such as joint angles, ground reaction forces, and patellar chasing were restrained. Biomechanical analysis convoluted evaluating running form and recognizing specific movement outlines linked to injuries. Based on these assessments, modified rehabilitation strategies were designed, including strength training, flexibility exercises, and real-time response to running technique. The logistic regression analysis revealed important associations between specific biomechanical deviations and injury occurrence. Post-rehabilitation assessments indicated developments in joint function, reduced pain levels, and enhanced running performance among participants. Implementing a biomechanical analysis mutual with personalized rehabilitation strategies effectively reduces lower limb injuries in sprinters, promoting better performance outcomes.
Open Access
Analysis of a difficulty movement of aerobic gymnasts based on biomechanicsZhihua Yu, Haoyan Liu
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 273, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb273
Background: With the progress of technology, an increasing number of studies on biomechanics in sports are being conducted. Objective: Based on biomechanical methods, the characteristics of aerobic gymnasts at different skill levels performing the difficulty movement C715 were compared to provide a reference for teaching and training. Methods: Sixteen aerobic gymnasts were divided into two groups, A and B, according to their skill levels. Kinematic data and surface electromyography were collected using modern equipment, analyzed, and compared. Results: Group A spent 0.64 ± 0.03 s during the upright restoration stage, which was longer than that of group B (p < 0.05). In the pre-swing stage, the angle between the legs of group A at the moment of free leg landing was 46.52 ± 2.14°, which was significantly greater than that of group B. Muscle force was predominantly exerted on the right side, and there were obvious differences between group A and group B in the integral electromyogram (IEMG) of the right rectus abdominis, left and right gastrocnemius, and left rectus femoris (p < 0.05). During the phase when the free leg swings forward, no significant differences in kinematic characteristics were found between the two groups; however, there were significant differences in IEMG of muscle activity for the right rectus abdominis, left and right biceps femoris, right gastrocnemius, and left rectus femoris (p < 0.05). The right gastrocnemius force of group A reached 25.77 ± 3.64 μV·S, which was significantly higher. During the 360° leg-controlled rotation phase, the minimum angle of the right ankle in group A was significantly greater than group B (p < 0.05), and the muscle activity showed significant differences in IEMG of the left biceps femoris, right biceps femoris, left gastrocnemius, left rectus femoris, and right rectus femoris. In the upright stage, the knee and ankle angles of group A were larger, and there was a remarkable difference in gastrocnemius force (p < 0.05). Conclusion: There are biomechanical differences among aerobic gymnasts of varying levels when performing the difficulty movement C715.
Open Access
Dynamic evaluation of community health services and health quality based on biomechanical time seriesXingken Liu, Haichun Chen, Zhenbo Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 494, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb494
Background: Evaluating community health services and fitness exceptional is important for identifying areas of development and making sure powerful healthcare shipping. Biomechanical assessment, especially reading joint movements, provides valuable insights into people’s fitness popularity and useful capabilities. Although biomechanical time-collecting information has terrific promise, there is not much thorough research that comprises those parameters in population health checks. Aim: This study evaluates the dynamic relationship between biomechanical time series data of joint movements and community health quality metrics. It also finds important factors for good health and gives practical advice for improving community health services. Methods: The study utilizes a biomechanical time series dataset from Kaggle. The collected time series data was preprocessed using Z-score standardization to ensure comparability. Gated Refined Long Short-Term Memory (GRLSTM) networks were employed for tasks due to their ability to capture long-term dependencies and temporal relationships inherent in time series data. Results: Statistical analyses such as regression and ANOVA were conducted to explore relationships between joint movement patterns and health quality predictors. The GRLSTM indicates significant associations between specific joint movement patterns and health quality indicators. Regression analyses confirmed key predictors of health quality, while ANOVA demonstrated significant differences in joint movement patterns among different health quality groups. The GRLSTM model demonstrates exceptional performance, with 94% precision and 95% recall rates, an accuracy of 98% and a robust F1-score of 96%, indicating a strong equilibrium between recall and accuracy. The ANOVA shows joint angles as the strongest predictor (p < 0.001). The regression analysis identifies stride length (β = 2.30, p < 0.001) as the strongest positive predictor. Conclusion: This observation emphasizes the importance of incorporating biomechanical assessments into community health reviews, highlighting the capability of GRLSTM networks and predictive analytics in improving fitness satisfaction and healthcare strategies.
Open Access
Research on biomechanics integrated Bayesian network mental health diagnosis systemShenghong Dong, Qing Chen, Pengming Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 545, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb545
With the rapid economic development of various countries around the world and the acceleration of global networking, countries are striving to promote their own urbanization and industrialization progress. The side effect is that social pressure leads to the concentrated outbreak of various social contradictions. The main psychological health testing and evaluation method in society is still conducted through dialogue with psychologists. Doctors obtain information through dialogue and communication with patients, and diagnose their psychological status based on this information. Affected by factors such as communication style and the patient’s own mental state. The information obtained may result in omissions and biases, leading to inaccurate diagnostic results. Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model that derives the results through information calculation. It can analyze and calculate the finite and incomplete conditions, carry out corresponding reasoning, and obtain more rigorous results. This article applied the naive Bayesian algorithm to the research of mental health diagnosis systems, and compared it with mental health diagnosis systems that do not use algorithms. According to the mental health index of contemporary people, the algorithm achievement test experiment of mental health diagnosis system was carried out. After research and comparison, it was found that for the collected data, the maximum accuracy of the Naive Bayesian algorithm within a hundred calculations reached 99%, with a mean of 96.5%. The traditional paper-based psychological diagnosis method had a maximum accuracy of 89%, a minimum of 70%, and an average accuracy of 80.5%. Therefore, the application of naive Bayesian network to the development and research of mental health diagnosis system can effectively improve the efficiency, accuracy and diagnostic effect of mental diagnosis.
Open Access
Research on quantitative measurement algorithm for e-commerce customer loyalty based on deep learning algorithmSian Chen
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 562, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb562
Traditional algorithms cannot fully explore the potential patterns behind big data, lack personalized customer analysis, and cannot provide personalized services and suggestions for different types of customers. This article employs the Bi LSTM (Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory) model to accurately capture the complex features and patterns of customer behavior, thereby improving the measurement accuracy of customer loyalty. Collect data on customer behavior, browsing history, and search behavior, and preprocess the collected data. Organize customer behavior data into a time series dataset in chronological order, and divide it into weekly windows to extract feature information from the data. Construct a bidirectional LSTM model while considering the forward and backward information of the sequence data, in order to more comprehensively capture the contextual relationships in the sequence data and quantify customer loyalty. The experimental results show that the average accuracy of Bi LSTM in predicting average customer loyalty is 97.1%. And it can effectively improve the prediction effect of repeat purchase rate. The application of Bi LSTM can accurately quantify customer loyalty in e-commerce, provide reference for enterprise decision-making, formulate corresponding marketing strategies and customer management plans, and improve customer loyalty and competitive advantages.
Open Access
Intelligence-assisted college English teaching: The application of artificial intelligence technology in personalized learning path designRong Jiang, Junming Hou
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 558, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb558
English learning is an integrated learning process in which listening, speaking, reading, writing and other parts are interrelated. Because of this feature of English learning, higher requirements are put forward for the design of English learning assistance systems. On the other hand, the wide application of advanced science and technology such as automation and cloud computing in all walks of life has promoted the development of society into the era of artificial intelligence. Under such a large development background, how to build a multifunctional integrated English learning system to realize the personalized learning of learners with different levels and different needs has become a focus of current English teaching research. With the increasing abundance of English learning materials, it has become very important to help users find suitable English learning resources from the massive materials, which directly affects the cost of learning time and interest of users. Based on this, this paper introduces a multi-similarity ranking model to achieve personalized design, and then uses artificial intelligence technology to design and implement a personalized intelligent assistant system for college English teaching.
Open Access
The real-time application and effectiveness assessment of an intelligent physical fitness testing system in physical trainingJianghao Jing
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 223, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb223
An intelligent physical fitness testing system leverages advanced technologies to monitor and evaluate individuals’ fitness levels accurately. It integrates real-time data acquisition, and analysis, to support personalized physical training and health management. This study aims to evaluate the practical application and effectiveness of an intelligent system for real-time physical fitness testing in the context of physical training. Our suggested model employs portable sensing devices and we proposed a novel Northern Goshawk optimization-driven Gate Customized Long Short-Term Memory (NG-GC-LSTM) for enhancing accuracy in evaluating the individuals’ physical fitness levels. Data acquisition involves gathering bio-sensing data from 25 individuals during diverse physical training activities. The Min-Max Scaling algorithm is utilized to pre-process the obtained sensor data. We employed a Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) for extracting crucial features from the processed data. In our proposed framework, the NG optimization algorithm iteratively fine-tunes the GC-LSTM architecture for the accurate evaluation of an established intelligent physical fitness testing system. The recommended model is executed in Python software. During the result analysis phase, we assess the efficacy of our model’s performance across a variety of parameters. Additionally, we conduct comparative analyses with existing methodologies. The obtained outcomes demonstrate the efficacy and superiority of the suggested framework.
Open Access
Application of infrared and near-infrared photosensitive pi-conjugated materials in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of sports injuries in aerobicsJun Cai, Zhongxing Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 429, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb429
According to a survey in 2021, around 12% of people were injured during the exercise, and they require the immediate healing process. Several tissue healing materials are incorporated into the sports rehabilitation process. However, the materials have a high rejection reaction rate, poor effect, and low healing speed, which affects aerobics rehabilitation training. The research difficulties are overcome by applying infrared and near-infrared photosensitive pi-conjugated materials to tissue healing procedures to maximize the result of sports rehabilitation. The research analysis discusses the conjugated materials composition and biocompatibility properties which helps to manage the skin healing drug release rate and durations. In addition, the pi-conjugated materials having a high Nearer-Infrared (NIR) observation rate between 600 nm to 1000nm then the materials are suitable for the photobiomodulation therapy wavelength. Then, NIR triggers the drug release from conjugated materials that are used to locate the injured area for treatment and rehabilitation process. Therefore, infrared and NIR-based conjugated materials effectively support injury rehabilitation and damaged tissue regeneration processes. The system efficiency is evaluated using various skin healing rates with different experiments and experimental groups.
Open Access
Biomechanical mechanisms and prevention strategies of knee joint injuries on football: An in-depth analysis based on athletes’ movement patternsTongren Song
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 524, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb524
Knee joint injuries in football players during competition and training are high, mainly due to the imbalance of biomechanical load caused by improper exercise patterns. Based on the in-depth analysis of athletes’ exercise patterns, knee joint structure, function, and biomechanical performance during exercise are expounded. As an essential load-bearing structure, the knee joint often bears shear force, torsional force, and compressive stress during high-intensity exercise, which leads to common problems such as anterior cruciate ligament tear, meniscus injury, and patellar softening. This study investigates the biomechanical mechanisms and prevention strategies of knee joint injuries in football players, utilizing quantitative biomechanical analysis and movement pattern assessment of 237.3 athletes. Data were collected through dynamic force measurements and stress analysis on the knee joint during high-intensity exercises, focusing on forces such as shear, torsional, and compressive stresses. Results show an average knee stress of 34.325 N and a maximum torsional stress of 2.87 N·m, with 6.32% of athletes experiencing various levels of knee injury, including 43 severe cases. Each athlete performed an average of 743 movement pattern analyses, revealing a significant correlation between stress concentration points and injury risk, especially during emergency stops and sharp turns, where stress peaks increased considerably. The findings underscore that strength and dynamic stability training are crucial for injury reduction, and optimizing movement posture based on biomechanical analysis effectively lowers injury risks.
Open Access
Research on optimization method of landscape design based on computer algorithmsWei Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 643, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb643
Traditional landscape design primarily depends on the experience and subjective judgment of designers, lacking systematic and scientific algorithmic support, making it difficult to find the optimal solution in large-scale and complex scenes. This article proposes an interactive genetic algorithm for landscape design, which searches for the optimal solution in large-scale design spaces and improves design efficiency. Collect a large amount of landscape-related data, preprocess it, and ensure its quality, and ensure the quality of the data. Introduce elements such as plants, water bodies, and hard structures to initially design the space, extract features from landscape design images, and perform 3D reconstruction to obtain richer design space information. Generate initial design schemes using genetic algorithms and introduce subjective opinions from designers through interactive processes. The experimental results show that the average aesthetic score of interactive genetic algorithm for landscape design optimization is 9.0, and the average design time of interactive genetic algorithm is 34.5 days. Introducing the subjective opinions of designers into landscape design optimization based on heritage algorithms can effectively improve design aesthetics and shorten the total design time.
Open Access
Design and data analysis of a wearable basketball training posture measurement system based on multifunctional conjugated polymer composite materialsYunzhang Hu, He Huang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 430, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb430
Conjugated materials in basketball training are specific polymers included in sportswear to record and analyze player motions, helping to improve skills and prevent injuries by offering an in-depth analysis of the biomechanics and movements of athletes during training sessions. These materials provide basketball players with lightweight, long-lasting, and versatile qualities, offering comfortable gear that precisely monitors movements, complementing their training requirements for enhanced performance and technique improvement. This article describes creating and examining a novel wearable basketball conditioning posture assessment system called DMAS4B (Dynamic Motion Analysis System for Basketball). The technology includes sophisticated computer vision algorithms (CVA-Kalman Fusion Algorithm), Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), and versatile, conjugated polymer composite materials. These materials, strategically positioned within specially developed sportswear, enable real-time tracking and evaluation of basketball player locations during training sessions. DMAS4B includes gathering detailed body movement data and focusing on essential basketball skills like shooting technique, dribbling stance, and defensive alignments. The collected data is delivered wirelessly to the MotionPro+ Basketball Analytics Software, a specialized platform for thorough analysis and visualization. The ability of IMUs, multifunctional conjugated polymer composites, and computer vision algorithms to work together to record and analyze basketball player movements precisely is demonstrated in this study. The system’s implementation seeks to connect traditional training methods with advanced technology, providing athletes and coaches instant and thorough feedback on posture accuracy, balance, and mastery of techniques. The comprehensive examination of data collected from DMAS4B offers a novel method to improve basketball training programs, enhance player performance, and reduce the likelihood of injuries. In addition, the flexible character of this technology provides a foundation for possible use in various sports, transforming customised training methods worldwide.
Open Access
Design of an epidemic prevention and control bracelet system integrated with convolutional neural networks: Promote real-time physiological feedback and adaptive training in remote physical educationYan Weng, Zhijun Chen, Shengbo Weng, Zuqin Yin
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 547, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb547
This study aims to design an epidemic prevention and control bracelet system that integrates convolutional neural network (CNN). This system can collect and process the user’s physiological index data in real time, especially in the remote physical education scene, and provide learners with immediate physiological index feedback and personalized adaptive training suggestions through accurate human action recognition (HAR) technology. One-dimensional acceleration signal is converted into two-dimensional image, and CNN’s powerful feature extraction and classification ability is used to effectively solve the problem that manual feature extraction is complex and nonlinear features are difficult to capture. By considering the joint action trajectory in the time window, a dynamic Recurrence Plot (RP) is constructed to capture the dynamic changes among joints. To input recursive graph data into CNN, it needs to be converted into image form. In the task of HAR, CNN can automatically learn useful features from images without manually designing features. It can not only effectively extract features from images, but also be directly used in classification tasks. Experimental results show that compared with other algorithms, the proposed RP + CNN model has the best performance in action recognition, with an accuracy of 96.89% and a F1 value of 86.76%. RP captures the dynamic patterns and periodic behaviors in time series by visualizing the repeated appearance of system states over time. The RP + CNN model is used to extract and classify human action features, which significantly improves the accuracy and efficiency of HAR. This innovative method not only simplifies the complex process of traditional manual feature extraction, but also enhances the system’s ability to identify nonlinear and complex action patterns, which provides strong technical support for remote physical education.
Open Access
Exploration on the application of dynamics principles in police physical education curriculum teachingJinbao Liang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 637, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb637
The police physical education curriculum focuses on the integration of physical training and police skills training, aiming to enhance students’ physical fitness and police skill levels. By reasonably applying the principles of dynamics, teachers can develop more scientific and reasonable training plans, optimizing aspects such as strength training, speed training, endurance training, and skill instruction. The application of dynamics principles not only helps improve students’ physical fitness but also assists teachers in better understanding the mechanical principles involved when students perform movements, thereby enabling more effective skill instruction. Therefore, in the teaching of police physical education, emphasis should be placed on the integration and practice of dynamics principles to improve teaching quality and effectiveness, providing strong support for cultivating high-quality police talents.
Open Access
Exploring human movement as a source of inspiration in contemporary art and design through biomechanicsJiangdong Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 491, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb491
This study explores the integration of biomechanical data into the creative process of contemporary art and design, intending to assess how human movement can serve as a source of inspiration for artists and designers. The central hypothesis is that biomechanical insights—such as joint angles, muscle activation, and movement trajectories—can enhance creative outputs by providing a scientific foundation for design decisions, resulting in more innovative, dynamic, and functional outcomes than traditional inspiration methods. To test this hypothesis, 36 participants were divided into two groups: a control group using conventional design approaches and an experimental group using biomechanical data. Key findings from the study indicate that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group across all measured creative outcomes. The experimental group demonstrated higher levels of originality (mean difference = 1.72, p < 0.001), complexity (mean difference = 1.84, p < 0.001), functionality (mean difference = 2.02, p < 0.001), and aesthetic appeal (mean difference = 1.57, p < 0.001). Additionally, the experimental group completed their designs more efficiently, with a notable reduction in the time to complete the creative process. Correlation analysis revealed that movement features such as velocity and muscle activation positively influenced originality and complexity, while joint angles and acceleration were more closely related to functionality.
Open Access
Study on noise reduction and structural optimization of ventilated bio-metamaterial plates for acoustic applicationsRan Ran
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 581, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb581
This study focuses on the noise reduction performance and structural optimization of ventilated metamaterial plates designed for bio-acoustic applications, where effective sound attenuation and ventilation are both crucial. Traditional soundproofing materials, which rely on mass and thickness, are inadequate for bio-acoustic environments that require lightweight and compact solutions. In contrast, bio-acoustic metamaterials use resonance effects to attenuate sound while maintaining necessary airflow selectively. This research evaluates multiple metamaterial plate configurations through computational simulations and experimental testing, examining their performance in terms of Sound Transmission Loss (STL), airflow rates, and von Mises stress. The results reveal that Plate Configuration 1 offers the highest STL at 39.14 dB but at the cost of lower airflow efficiency (0.69 m3/s) and increased structural stress (24.83 MPa). Plate Configuration 2 achieves the best airflow efficiency (0.82 m3/s) but with lower noise reduction (STL of 35.42 dB). Plate Configuration 3 provides a balanced performance, with moderate noise attenuation (STL of 37.89 dB), good airflow (0.75 m3/s), and structural stability (von Mises stress of 22.12 MPa). The study concludes that bio-acoustic metamaterials can be effectively optimized for different bio-acoustic applications by carefully tuning their geometry, making them suitable for eco-acoustics, wildlife monitoring, and medical devices where noise control and airflow are critical.
Open Access
Assessment of the impact of high zinc intake on leptin receptor gene expression in wistar ratsTanushree Das, Rhea Ahongshangbam, Romoka Chabungbam, Banaraj Haobam, Oinam Ibochouba Singh, Kshetrimayum Birla Singh
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 471, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb471
In recent years, zinc (Zn) has been extensively employed in agricultural and livestock practices, as well as in baby foods and multivitamin supplements, due to its perceived non-toxic nature and its ability to promote linear growth and body weight in consumers and consequently, its usage is increasing steadily. This study investigates the impact of prolonged excessive zinc intake on the expression levels of the leptin gene in adult Wistar rats without a genetic predisposition to obesity. Three groups of rats were fed basal diets containing 20 mg Zn per kg diet (control group, Group-C), 50 mg Zn per kg diet (Group-T1), and 80 mg Zn per kg diet (Group-T2) for 180 days. Following the dietary treatment, gene expression studies were conducted using adipose tissue from the experimental rats. The findings indicate that dietary zinc supplementation significantly increased leptin receptor gene expression in adipose tissue in a dose- dependent manner. Compared to the control group (Group C), leptin receptor mRNA levels were 3.19-fold (± 0.54) higher in Group T1 receiving 50 mg Zn/kg diet and 4.70-fold (± 0.59) higher in the group receiving 80 mg Zn/kg diet. Our findings indicate that excessive zinc intake can resulted in the upregulation of the leptin gene expression which may lead to leptin resistance and ultimately may contribute to obesity.
Open Access
Design and simulation of reconfigurable modular snake robots with bevel gear transmissionZhimin Yan, Jinbo Li, Jianyang Liu, Chaoyi Li, Xiaoxin Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 513, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb513
With the advancement of technologies, robotics is playing an increasingly important role in various fields. The snake robot has attracted widespread academic attention due to its efficient and flexible movement characteristics. Nevertheless, its popularity and application range are constrained by complex control, low durability, and high cost. Given this, this study proposed a modular design framework based on the concept of modular design and a reconfigurable modular snake robot using bevel gear transmission. The snake robot consists of several basic module units with the same structure, which are restructured and reconfigured to achieve different shapes and functions. A standardized interface and communication protocol were optimized and designed, with each module containing an autonomous control unit and several execution units. The robot realized motion and tasks through the collaborative work of multiple modules to adapt to various work and environmental requirements. In addition, the research analyzes distributed control, improved motion control (using PID algorithm), energy management, safety design and other aspects, based on the cost data, improvement measures were proposed. At the same time, the work risks of the robot are analyzed, such as mechanical damage to the human body, adverse environment and electromagnetic interference, and corresponding solutions are proposed, and problems are found through durability testing and material improvement measures are proposed. Finally, based on SolidWorks software, a three-dimensional modeling and simulation analysis was conducted on the robot to verify its correctness. This study can provide inspiration for the design and research of snake robots.
Open Access
Numerical simulation of lower limb forces during basketball pivot movements investigating injury prevention strategiesWenbin Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 576, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb576
Basketball is a dynamic sport characterized by high-intensity movements such as pivoting, cutting, and jumping, which place significant biomechanical stress on the lower limbs. These movements increase the risk of injury, particularly to the knee, ankle, and hip joints. This study investigates the biomechanical forces acting on the lower limbs during basketball pivot movements, explicitly focusing on injury prevention strategies. Using advanced biomechanical modeling techniques, including Motion Capture System (MCS), Force Plate Measurements (FPM), and electromyography (EMG), the study quantifies joint forces, muscle activation patterns, and Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) during pivoting, cutting, and jumping. A fatigue protocol was incorporated to examine how fatigue impacts force distribution and injury risk, with particular attention to Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) strain and meniscal damage. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and inverse dynamics modeling were employed to simulate the internal forces acting on the knee, ankle, and hip joints, providing insights into the injury mechanisms associated with basketball movements. The kinematic analysis reveals that jumping produces the highest knee flexion (52.3°) and extension (130.8°), with maximum angular velocity (332.7 deg/s) and acceleration (1456.8 deg/s2), indicating the explosive nature of the movement. In the kinetic analysis, vertical GRF is highest during jumping, reaching 1897.4 N, while the knee joint reaction force peaks at 2876.3 N. A fatigue protocol was incorporated, showing that post-fatigue vertical GRF increased by 4%–5%, knee joint moments rose by 6%–8%, and quadriceps and hamstring activation dropped by 7%–8%. FEA highlighted that ACL stress is highest during jumping (23.1 MPa), with corresponding ACL strain at 9.7%. The results highlight that fatigue exacerbates joint loading and reduces muscle efficiency, increasing injury risks, especially during high-impact movements. This study provides practical recommendations for training regimens to enhance muscle coordination and reduce the likelihood of lower limb injuries among basketball players.
Open Access
Research on aerobics action modal recognition algorithm based on fuzzy system and reinforcement learningFengyi Ke , Qian Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 645, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb645
Nowadays, human movement recognition technology has received a high degree of attention and has been used in a variety of fields such as intelligent security and motion analysis. The traditional action recognition method relies on artificial extraction of features, not only the recognition efficiency is low, and the recognition accuracy is not high, has been unable to meet the requirements of action recognition. The action recognition method based on reinforcement learning can automatically extract features, greatly simplifying the process of manual feature extraction in the traditional method, but at the same time, it also has some defects such as easy to be disturbed by external environment and complicated network training. In view of this situation, this paper takes aerobics action recognition as an example, proposes an action recognition algorithm based on Fuzzy least squares support vector machine, and adopts Fuzzy LS-SVM classification algorithm to realize the classification of actions on the feature set. The results of the study show that the aerobics movement recognition algorithm proposed in this paper has more excellent performance compared to the traditional recognition algorithms.
Open Access
Biomechanical approaches to improving mental health in college students through physical posture and movementJuanyi Xia
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 572, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb572
Poor posture and inefficient movement patterns have been linked to increased stress, anxiety, and mood disturbances, particularly in college students who often lead sedentary lifestyles. This study investigates the impact of biomechanical interventions—specifically postural correction exercises and dynamic movement training—on college students’ physical and psychological outcomes. The aim was to assess how posture and movement efficiency improvements influence mental health indicators, such as perceived stress, anxiety, and mood. A total of 126 participants were recruited from three universities in China. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were conducted using Motion Capture Systems (MCS), surface electromyography (sEMG), and ground reaction force plates to evaluate postural alignment, muscle activation, movement efficiency, and force distribution. Psychological outcomes were measured using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale, and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Key findings revealed significant improvements in physical outcomes, including a 14.9% reduction in thoracic kyphosis (from 43.7° to 37.2°) and a 30.9% increase in rectus abdominis activation (from 42.3% to 55.4%). Movement efficiency improved, with a 66.7% reduction in compensatory movements during step-ups. Psychologically, overall stress levels decreased by 30.9% as measured by the PSS, while anxiety levels dropped by 38.5% according to the GAD-7. Also, positive affect increased by 29.5%, and negative affect decreased by 30.3%. These results suggest that targeted biomechanical interventions can significantly improve physical alignment and mental well-being. The findings support the potential for integrating posture and movement training into mental health strategies for college students, offering a holistic approach to managing stress, anxiety, and mood disturbances.
Open Access
Feature selection for intrusion detection based on an improved rime optimization algorithmQingyuan Peng, Xiaofeng Wang , Ao Tang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 599, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb599
With the rapid development of information technology, cybersecurity issues have become increasingly prominent, posing serious threats to national security, economic growth, and personal privacy. Intrusion detection systems have been widely applied to ensure network security and prevent malicious cyber-attacks. In intrusion detection, redundant and irrelevant features not only slow down the classification process but also hinder classifiers from making accurate decisions, resulting in decreased system performance. Addressing the problem of low accuracy in intrusion detection systems due to high-dimensional datasets, we propose a network intrusion detection method based on an enhanced Rime Optimization Algorithm for feature selection. Firstly, building upon the traditional Rime Optimization Algorithm, we introduce Cauchy mutation and differential mutation operations to improve both global and local search capabilities. Cauchy mutation introduces a heavy-tailed distribution to increase the probability of escaping local optima, while differential mutation, through the differential operator, further enhances solution diversity and algorithm convergence speed. Combining the two mutation operations, the optimization algorithm achieves a good balance between global search and local search, effectively avoids premature convergence and falling into local optimum, and effectively improves the feature selection results. Secondly, the improved Rime optimization algorithm (IRIME) was applied to the feature selection process of intrusion detection system, and it was combined with the decision tree classifier to construct a wrapper feature selection algorithm, which could directly optimize the classification task and avoid the mismatch between feature selection and classifier. The optimized algorithm can quickly select the most representative feature subset from the high-dimensional feature space, significantly reducing the computational cost. At the same time, the selected feature subset can more accurately reflect the inherent law of the data set, thereby improving the prediction accuracy of the classifier. Finally, NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 datasets were used for performance evaluation. Experimental results show that compared with several feature selection algorithms, the proposed method achieves the best binary classification performance after feature selection. Specifically, it is superior to other algorithms in terms of precision, accuracy, F1 score and recall of all evaluation metrics.
Open Access
The biomechanics of language: Using physical movement to improve English writing among Chinese college studentsRui Zhou, Xiaoling Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 681, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb681
This study investigates how biomechanics-based physical movements affect English writing performance and comprehension in Chinese college students. It integrates physical activities, including gesture-based prompts and pre-writing warm-ups, into the writing curriculum. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) design was employed with 60 undergraduate participants, divided into an experimental group receiving biomechanics-based interventions and a control group following a traditional curriculum. Quantitative results show significant improvements in writing quality and comprehension in the experimental group compared to the control group, indicating the effectiveness of physical engagement on cognitive processes essential for language learning. Qualitative analysis of student feedback further reveals increased focus, engagement, and fluency in writing tasks. Additionally, cultural considerations are discussed, addressing the initial hesitation from students due to traditional educational norms in China. These findings suggest that biomechanics-based physical activities can be a valuable addition to English language instruction, fostering active learning environments that enhance both cognitive and linguistic skills. The study concludes with recommendations for integrating biomechanics-based strategies in Chinese classrooms and suggests directions for future research in language pedagogy.
Open Access
Cytotoxic effects of Gliotoxin extracted from Candida albicans isolated from patients with urinary tract infectionYaser Qais Hatem, Batol Imran Dheeb
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 639, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb639
The findings of the toxicity test demonstrated the toxicity of exposure to the gliotoxin produced by candida albicans. Elevated medication levels were associated with an increased risk of blood deterioration. At a concentration of 200 µg/mL, the rate of degradation was 2.21%, and at a value of 100 µg/mL, it was 1.97%. The toxicity increased with prolonged contact with the fungus. And the Samples of gliotoxin were also tested on human lymphocytes to determine their cytotoxic effects. Using the methylthiazol tetrazolium (MTT) bioassay, the cells were subjected to four different doses of gliotoxin (100, 50, 25, and 12.5 µg/mL). Cell growth was shown to be concentration-dependent, with the sample exhibiting growth inhibition percentages at the corresponding concentrations of 33.82%, 10.16%, 5.7%, 0.0%, and 0.0%. The possible DNA damage caused by gliotoxin was evaluated by extracting DNA from lymphocytes and performing electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel. The findings indicated that gliotoxin has the capacity to destroy or impair DNA. The study established a linear correlation among gliotoxin concentration, cell growth inhibition, and the degree of DNA damage in human lymphocytes. The study investigated the genotoxic effects of Gliotoxin (GT) on human lymphocytes, using single cell electrophoresis and a comet assay. Results showed significant DNA damage in these cells, highlighting GT’s genotoxic impact. The comet assay revealed no significant differences in comet length between the control and concentration 50 µg, but the concentration 100 µg that shown significant changes in head diameter, head, tail, and tail content. These findings highlight GT adverse impact on DNA integrity.
Open Access
Joint mechanical characteristics of vertical jumping in elite sprintersWangli Zhang, Chaopan Liu, Yijun Bai, Qiqi Liu, Cui Cui
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 700, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb700
This study aims to investigate the key lower limb joint biomechanical factors affecting the performance of vertical jumping in high-level sprinters, focusing on analysing the torque, power output and stiffness of the hip, knee and ankle joints during the vertical jumping process. The relationship between the joint biomechanical parameters and the key indexes of vertical jump performance, including ground contact time, free height and reaction power index, was systematically analysed through the simultaneous acquisition of 3D kinematic and kinetic data of the sprinters. The results showed that different lower limb joints play key roles in different phases of the long jump. During the centrifugal phase (landing), knee stiffness had a significant effect on ground contact time, with athletes with greater stiffness demonstrating shorter contact times, thus contributing to a quicker entry into the centripetal phase (jumping). In contrast, during the centripetal phase, ankle power output was highly correlated with free height and explosive performance, showing the decisive role of the ankle joint in vertical mobility at the start of the jump. The hip joint also plays a role in coordinating upper and lower limb movements and enhancing power transfer throughout the exercise process, but its influence is more indirect. This study provides biomechanical empirical evidence for the training of sprinters, especially by enhancing knee joint stiffness and ankle joint power output, athletes can effectively improve the performance of vertical jump manoeuvres. These findings provide a scientific basis for coaches and athletes to optimise their training programmes and improve their performance in competitions, and provide a reference direction for future related research.
Open Access
Distribution network reconfiguration optimization based on genetic algorithm and its influence on operation and maintenance managementJun Lin, Chen Liang Zhou
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 744, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb744
As one of the advanced application functions of distribution network automation, distribution network reconfiguration is an important optimization means to ensure the normal operation of the power grid. In order to further improve the power supply quality and operation and maintenance efficiency of the distribution network, this paper proposes a reconfiguration method based on improved genetic algorithm, establishes a network topology reconfiguration computational model, and validates the proposed method for the reconfiguration of the distribution network, and the results show that compared with the reconfiguration model of the distribution network constructed by basic genetic algorithm, the algorithm of this paper shows excellent performance in terms of both the comparison of the node voltages and the evolution of the population. The results show that compared with the basic genetic algorithm constructed distribution network reconfiguration model, this paper's algorithm exhibits excellent performance in both node voltage comparison and population evolution, and is capable of realizing optimal power transmission. Finally, the impact of distribution network reconfiguration on operation and maintenance management is analyzed.
Open Access
The effect of fluconazole combined with amphotericin B on highly toxic miR-15b and TGF-β1 of cronobacter in neonatesYafei Xu, Hui Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 813, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb813
Objective: To analyze the effects of fluconazole combined with amphotericin B on the levels of miR-15b and transforming growth factor-β1 in patients with cronobacter in neonates. Methods: Using the random number table method, twenty-eight patients who were admitted to our hospital between January 2018 and January 2021 with cronobacter pneumonia were chosen and split into two groups: the control group and the observation group. For 14 days, they received either fluconazole with amphotericin B or amphotericin B alone. The pulmonary function forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital (FORCED vital) of the two groups were observed and recorded Capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume/forced vital volume in one second/orced vital Capacity, FEV1/FVC), procalcitonin (PCT), soluble receptor expressed on myeloid (Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid) Cells-1, StreM-1), Mir-15b and TGF-β1, and the clinical efficacy was evaluated. Results: After treatment, the levels of FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC in patients were increased, and the levels of FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC in observation group were higher than those in control group (P < 0.05). After treatment, the levels of PCT and sTREM-1 were decreased, while the levels of miR-15b and TGF-β1 were increased. Compared with the control group, the levels of PCT and TREM-1 were lower in the observation group, while the levels of miR-15b and TGF-β1 were higher (P < 0.05). The total effective rate of observation group (92.86%) was significantly higher than that of control group (57.14%), the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Fluconazole plus amphotericin B has demonstrated clinical efficacy in treating patients with cronobacter pneumonia in neonates. It can effectively improve the inflammatory state of the body, miR-15b, and TGF-β1, as well as aid in improving lung function with fewer side effects and high safety.
Open Access
Research on the promotion effect of personalized training program based on biomechanics on the physical health of college studentsZhonglou Zhang, Zhihai He, Chunhao Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 386, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb386
Biomechanics-based personalized training programs can significantly improve physical health among college students, but there is limited evidence on how these programs affect spinal twist stretch function and overall health, despite previous research demonstrating the potential benefits of such programs. In this study, the influence of a biomechanics-based personalized training program investigates the physical health of a college student population. This study involved 68 college students, divided into two groups: 34 participants undergoing a personalized biomechanics-based training program (Group A) and 34 participants following a standard exercise regimen (Group B). The training program included exercises designed to enhance spinal twist stretch activation and stability. The participants’ core muscle activation was recorded through EMG from rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, and external obliques, while kinematic data were obtained from a three-dimensional motion analysis system. The assessments were done pre and post-8-week structured nutrition and physical activity modification period. These data are stimulated using SPSS, to compare pre and post-test measurements within each group and to determine the differences between spinal twist stretch and global physical health gains using paired t-tests, analyze of variance (ANOVA) descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis. The result demonstrated that Group A significantly improved spinal twists, stretch, and physical health among college students. Exercises targeting specific biomechanical principles exhibited more pronounced spinal twist stretch activation. The program improved trunk stability and movement accuracy, with a moderate correlation between muscle activation and overall physical health improvements. This approach improved core stability and muscle function but also led to better overall health outcomes compared to standard exercise regimens.
Open Access
Effect of blood flow restriction training on the explosive power of lower limbs in taekwondo athletes during kickingShupeng Xiao, Jie He
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 148, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb148
Objective: This paper aims to explore the effectiveness of blood flow restriction training (BFRT) on the lower extremity explosive power of Taekwondo athletes when they kick. Methods: Twenty Taekwondo athletes were randomly divided into BFRT and resistance training (RT) groups. The two groups underwent BFRT and RT for eight weeks, respectively. Indicators such as thigh and calf circumferences and countermovement jump (CMJ) performance were tested and compared. Results: In the pre-test, p > 0.05 was found between the two groups. In the post-test, the left/right thigh circumferences of the BFRT group were 54.56 ± 3.21 cm and 54.37 ± 3.37 cm, respectively, and p < 0.05 compared with the pre-test results and the RT group; however, no remarkable difference were observed between the RT group and pre-test results. The CMJ and static squat jump (SJ) scores in the BFRT group were 42.33 ± 7.84 m and 39.36 ± 7.52 m, respectively, and p < 0.05 compared with the pre-test and the RT group; however, there was no remarkable difference between the RT group and the pre-test results. In the BFRT group, the performance of 10 s in-situ double chop kick was 27.64 ± 1.51 times, and the performance of 10 s high turning kick was 19.87 ± 1.65 times (p < 0.05 compared with the pre-test results and the RT group); p < 0.05 when comparing the post-test results with the pre-test results in the RT group, but the increasing amplitude was lower than that in the BFRT group. The performance of the 10 s in-situ left/right middle turning kick was 16.12 ± 1.37 times and 18.09 ± 1.98 times in the BFRT group, and p < 0.05 compared with the pre-test results and the RT group; however, no remarkable difference were found between the RT group and the pre-test results. Conclusion: BFRT can effectively improve the lower extremity explosive power of taekwondo athletes during kicking, and the effect is superior to traditional RT.
Open Access
Exploring the mechanism of Danggui Buxue decoction against acute renal insufficiency using network pharmacology and molecular dockingXiaoyue Lou, Yongfeng Ma, Jiuling Deng, You Lv, Runhua Li, Mingli Shang, Qianwen Zhang, Xiuling Zhang, Tingting Hou
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 388, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb388
The Danggui Buxue decoction (DGBX), consists of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, and Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge is known to replenish the blood. However, the mechanisms underlying acute renal injury (ARI) as caused by DGBX are still unclear. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the pharmacological effects of DGBX using a mouse model induced by 1% HgCl2. The key components were selected based on an assessment of gastrointestinal absorption potential and drug-likeness characteristics utilizing the SwissADME tool. The core chemical compositions were screened using Gene Ontology (GO functional analysis and possible signaling pathways were identified through pathway enrichment analysis. After protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis, a “herb-ingredient-target” network was established via target gene prediction of the DGBX and ARI. Finally, molecular docking was performed to determine the binding affinity between the active ingredients and disease targets. DGBX significantly reduced renal index and serum levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine (CRE) in mice administered with 1% HgCl2. Network pharmacology analysis identified 3,9-di-O-methylnissolin, (6aR,11aR)-9,10-dimethoxy-6a, 11a-dihydro-6H-benzofurano[3,2-c] chromen-3-ol, (3R)-3-(2-hydroxy-3,4-dimethoxyphen-yl) chroman-7-ol, jaranol, kaempferol, and 7-O-methylisomucronulatol as the six core ingredients of DGBX. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), RAC-alpha Serine/Threonine-ProteinKinase1(AKT1), Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase Catalytic Subunit Alpha (PIK3CA), Src homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine kinase (SRC), Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase1(MAPK1), and Estrogen Receptor1(ESR1) were selected as the six effective core targets. Furthermore, molecular docking revealed that the six core ingredients interacted well with six primary targets. The components of DGBX, including A sinensis (Oliv.) Diels and A membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge may treat ARI by affecting the expression of EGFR, AKT1, PIK3CA, SRC, MAPK1, and ESR1.
Open Access
On account of “double carbon” targeted regional public buildings in Beijing—Research on carbon emission measurementLili Zhang, Mengyuan Lin, Tingting Liu, Hong Li, Fen Zhou
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 510, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb510
Energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction field is an important part of China’s dual-carbon strategy. And construction operation Carbon emissions during the period. It is also the stage where carbon emissions account for the largest proportion of the whole life cycle of buildings, among which. The carbon emissions per unit area of public buildings are twice that of civil buildings. This study takes the sub-center of Beijing City as an example, focusing on “double carbon”. Under the goal, the research on the measurement of carbon emissions of public buildings within a radius of about 812 square kilometers in the sub-center, from the perspective of urban construction development and the overall carbon emissions of regional-level buildings, on the basis of the research on the actual operation data of urban buildings, the bottom-up carbon emission measurement method of the sub-center has been established, combined with research data analysis, during the operation period, the carbon emissions per unit area of public buildings are twice that of civil buildings. This finding highlights the key role of public buildings in the stage with the largest carbon emissions in the entire life cycle of buildings. In addition, our study also puts forward the characteristics and suggestions of carbon emission reduction of public buildings in the sub-center area, which are instructive for formulating targeted work suggestions on the “dual carbon” goals of urban development. This study not only focuses on the carbon emission measurement of individual buildings, but also expands the perspective to urban construction development and regional levels, filling the gap in the overall research on regional building carbon emission measurement in existing research. It also combines the latest building energy-saving design standards and green building ratings to conduct detailed measurement and analysis of the carbon emission levels of buildings with different energy-saving design standards.
Open Access
Impact of conjugated material modified intelligent taekwondo equipment on the physical fitness of college studentsXiaodan Yang, Qing He
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 534, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb534
The cultivation of physical fitness among college students plays an important role in their comprehensive development and healthy growth process. Traditional training methods and equipment lack flexibility, making it difficult to effectively improve the athletic ability and physical fitness of college students. In order to improve the physical health level of college students and improve the quality and level of their sports training, this article conducted in-depth research on intelligent Taekwondo equipment modified with conjugated materials and its impact on the physical fitness of college students. This article first analyzed the requirements for intelligent Taekwondo equipment, and then based on this, graphene was used as the main material to prepare it using electrochemical stripping method, and modified by doping nitrogen atoms. Finally, the modified graphene was used in the design of intelligent Taekwondo equipment. To verify the application effect of modified graphene intelligent Taekwondo equipment, this article conducted testing and analysis on it. The results showed that compared to conventional training methods, students who applied modified graphene intelligent Taekwondo equipment for auxiliary training improved their final test scores in flexibility, endurance, and muscle strength indicators by 0.96 points, 1.02 points, and 0.65 points, respectively. The conclusion indicated that the intelligent Taekwondo equipment modified with graphene conjugated materials had a positive impact on the improvement of physical fitness of college students, which helped to improve their physical health level.
Open Access
Analysis and identification of nocturnal groaning syndrome based on multimodal dataXiaohui Xu, Min Yu, Qing Wang, Xuemei Gao, Wenai Song, Xu Gong, Yi Lei
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 717, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb717
Nocturnal groaning syndrome is a common sleep disorder characterized by irregular groaning or vocalizations during nighttime sleep, representing a significant area of research in sleep disorders. Nocturnal groaning syndrome is a common sleep disorder characterized by irregular groaning or vocalizations during nighttime sleep, representing a significant area of research in sleep disorders. proposes a multimodal recognition approach based on speech, image, and text modalities. The study analyzes audio features using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), which is the most common method for identifying nocturnal groaning syndrome. Coefficients (MFCC), extracts image features with pretrained MobileNetV2, and identifies key physiological signals from text using TF-IDF algorithm. Subsequently, Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling (MCB) is employed to fuse audio and image features, and a Text-Image CNN is used to combine image and text features. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is then used to classify the fused multimodal features, and decision-level fusion is performed using weighting criteria. Experimental results demonstrate an identification accuracy of 89.5% on the test set, significantly enhancing the auxiliary diagnostic effectiveness of nocturnurnal diagnosis. Experimental results demonstrate an identification accuracy of 89.5% on the test set, significantly enhancing the auxiliary diagnostic effectiveness of nocturnal groaning syndrome.
Open Access
A cross-language short text classification model based on BERT and multilayer collaborative convolutional neural network (MCNN)Qiong Hu
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 739, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb739
This study focuses on cross-lingual short text classification tasks and aims to combine the advantages of BERT and Multi-layer Collaborative Convolutional Neural Network (MCNN) to build an efficient classification model. BERT model provides rich semantic information for text classification with its powerful language understanding and bidirectional context modeling ability, while MCNN effectively extracts local and global features in text through multi-layer convolution structure and collaborative working mechanism. In this study, the output of BERT is used as the input of MCNN, and MCNN is used to further mine the deep features in the text, so as to realize the high-precision classification of cross-lingual short text. The experimental results show that the model has achieved significant performance improvement on the dataset, which provides a new effective solution for cross-lingual short text classification tasks.
Open Access
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy study of hemodynamic in the prefrontal and motor cortices and its implications for endurance capacityZhiqiang Liang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 350, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb350
This study investigates the primary cortical areas that influence endurance capacity in humans by monitoring cerebral hemodynamics in the prefrontal and motor cortices during endurance exercise. Participants engaged in incremental load endurance exercise while equipped with a functional near-infrared spectroscopy to assess cortical activity. Hemodynamic in the prefrontal and motor cortices were continuously monitored, with a particular emphasis on cortical activation at both the onset and termination of exercise, as well as their relationships with exercise duration and other cortical regions. Results showed that both the prefrontal and motor cortices exhibited significant activation during the onset and termination of exercise, with activation intensity and areas increasing in response to elevated exercise loads. Notably, cortical activation in these cortices at the onset of exercise did not show a significant correlation with exercise duration. However, activations in specific aeras of the motor cortex-FC1h, FC2h, C1h, and C2h-at the termination of exercise were significantly correlated with endurance duration and showed extensive interconnections with other areas in both the prefrontal and motor cortices. These results suggest that FC1h, FC2h, C1h, and C2h in the motor cortex might play a crucial role in regulating endurance capacity. Enhancing the functionality of these cortical areas might contribute to further improvements in endurance performance.
Open Access
Exploring biomimetic inspiration and biomechanical optimization in brand design strategyYun He, Jongbin Park
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 464, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb464
Nature’s principles serve as a source of inspiration for biomimetic design incorporating them to achieve the best functionality and creativity. Biomechanical optimization takes this approach further by focusing on the effective use of physical resources and dynamics. They offer a solid foundation for brand design. This research seeks to look into a new method for biomimetic and biomechanical brand design using a deep learning (DL) model called Resilient Ant Colony Optimized Generative Adversarial Networks (RAC-GAN). The dataset comes from primary sources, including current brand logos and biomimetic images from nature such as plant structures, animal shapes, and natural patterns. These biomimetic images show a range of organic forms and textures that can flash creative and practical design elements. The team filtered the collected images to get rid of duplicates and adjusted to have the same resolution. They applied techniques similar to contrast enhancement to make sure the training data was high-quality. After pre-processing, the dataset into the RAC-GAN model used biomimetic principles to copy organic patterns, while biomechanical optimization made sure the created designs balanced creativity with functionality. The suggested model combines generative modeling with ant colony optimization to guide the creation process. The aim is to make sure the design is strong and works well by using ant-like paths that change to find the best setups. The RAC-GAN methodology demonstrated its ability to generate new concepts for logos that remained accurate to the brand’s values.
Open Access
Analyzing vibration transmission through cantilever systems using biomechanical and impact-responsive metamaterial structuresShuo Pei, Jiaqi Miao, Shengrong Song
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 621, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb621
Vibration control in cantilever systems is a critical challenge in various engineering applications, where unwanted vibrations can lead to structural fatigue, reduced performance, and potential failure. This study investigates the effects of integrating biomechanical and impact-responsive metamaterials into cantilever systems to mitigate vibration transmission. The metamaterials, characterized by their adaptive stiffness and energy-absorbing properties, are strategically embedded in key structural components such as the arms, joints, and base. Through experimental analysis, this work assesses the reduction in vibration amplitude, shifts in natural frequency, enhanced damping capacity, energy absorption during impact, and strain reduction at critical points. The results show that the metamaterial-enhanced system achieves significant reductions in vibration amplitude, up to 40%, and increases in natural frequency by over 30%, minimizing the risk of resonance. Additionally, the damping ratio is improved by as much as 53%, while the energy absorption during impact is increased by up to 26%. Strain reduction at critical points reaches 24%, contributing to improved mechanical resilience. These findings demonstrate the potential of biomechanical and impact-responsive metamaterials in enhancing the dynamic performance of cantilever systems, offering a new approach to vibration mitigation in engineering applications.
Open Access
The promoting effect of biomechanics-based optimization strategies for preschool sports on mental healthZengxia Han, Jing Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 413, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb413
Background: Early childhood is crucial for physical and mental development. Incorporating sports into preschool education fosters motor skills but also promotes emotional and psychological well-being. Traditional sports programs often focus on generalized physical activities, neglecting biomechanics to optimize movement efficiency and reduce injury risks. A holistic approach combining biomechanics with mental health promotion is needed. Aim: This study investigates the impact of biomechanics-based optimization strategies in preschool sports and their effects on mental health. Methods: The research involved 150 preschool children divided into two groups: One participating in a biomechanics-based sports program (experimental group) and the other in a conventional sports curriculum (control group) based on survey. The biomechanics-based program included an assessment of body biomechanics and movement efficiency, alongside pedagogical methods designed to enhance physical and mental development. SPSS software was used to analyze covariance (ANCOVA), independent samples t-tests, paired samples t-tests, chi-square tests, and regression analysis to evaluate the efficiency of the biomechanics-based program and its influence on the physical and mental health of preschool children. Results: Results showed significant physical improvements, including enhanced head angle, muscle strength, spinal flexibility, and balance control. The biomechanics-based program significantly improved children’s physical and mental health metrics, particularly motor skills, balance, and emotional regulation. These improvements contribute to better mental health outcomes by fostering a positive self-image (PSI), enhancing confidence (EC), and promoting emotional well-being (PEW). Conclusion: The study emphasizes the importance of integrating biomechanics-based strategies into preschool sports programs to support both physical and mental development.
Open Access
Research on optimization of basketball jumping landing techniques and reduction of ankle joint injury risk based on biomechanics analysisMingxiao Chen
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 600, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb600
The ankle joint’s functional state is crucial during dynamic basketball movements, especially jumping and landing. A higher risk of ankle injuries is linked to limited ankle dorsiflexion, which can result in biomechanical alterations affecting landing safely and effectively. To improve basketball jumping landing skills and decrease the risk of ankle joint injuries, the objective of this research is to examine the way difficulties of dorsiflexion in the ankle influence the biomechanics of the lower extremities. Seventy-five participants completed basketball-specific stop-jumping actions on a flat surface (Control), a 10°, 20°, and 30° incline, using data from their dominant legs. The musculoskeletal framework was developed to simulate and analyze biomechanical data related to landing techniques. Post-hoc Tukey testing is utilized to estimate the category variations and it utilizes the statistical parametric mapping (SPM). As the angle of ankle restrictions increased, significant alterations in lower extremity biomechanics were detected during basketball jumping landings. Hip extension angles, knee external rotation angles, angular velocities, and knee extension angular velocities all showed appreciable increases. These findings indicate that increased ankle limitation has a significant impact on the mechanics of lower limb movements during athletic performance. The peripatellar muscles’ co-activation gradually increased, and the landing phase showed a substantial increase in the patellofemoral joint contact force (PTF). The impact of ankle dorsiflexion difficulties in joint strain and kinematics during basketball jumping landings is demonstrated by these findings. An enhanced co-activation of the peripatellar muscles and increased PTF in response to increasing ankle restriction indicate compensatory strategies for maintaining balance during basketball landings. This study emphasizes the significance of improving basketball jumping landing techniques to improve ankle stability and decrease the possibility of ankle joint injuries in players.
Open Access
Visualization and analysis of the integration mechanism of artificial intelligence-enabled sports development and ecological environment protectionYunqing Yang, Yuhu Zhao, Jianqiang Guo
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 697, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb697
The development of all sports requires a competent sports ecological environment. Pollution of the sports ecological environment greatly restricts people’s enthusiasm and interest in taking part in sports activities, and at the same time greatly affects people’s physical and mental health and hinders the development of sports. As people’s awareness of environmental pollution protection increases, it will certainly curb and alleviate the environmental pollution problem. Promote social harmony and sustainable development. Therefore, this paper will intuitively analyze the integration mechanism of sports development and ecological environmental protection based on artificial intelligence. After analysis, China’s research in related fields, sports and environmental engineering disciplines accounted for the largest proportion of 74.46%, and with the progress of sports events and environmental protection, the number of international publications in 2017 reached a maximum of 134. To a certain extent, this is linked to the Rio Olympics in Brazil the previous year. However, in the global research in this field, the number of published papers in the United States reached a maximum of 159, which opened a large gap with other countries.
Open Access
Advances in bioimaging techniques for studying cellular mechanicsGe Tong, Zhenchen Du
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 308, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb308
Recent bioimaging advances have greatly aided cellular mechanics research. These advances have given researchers a new understanding of cell structure and function. Thus, these approaches have great optical coherence tomography (OCT) and temporal resolution, helping researchers understand previously inaccessible mechanical cell functions. The biggest drawback of all current techniques is their low resolutions, poor specificity, and inability to investigate cellular mechanics in complicated biological contexts in real-time. Introducing Cellular Mechanics using Bioimaging Techniques (CM-BT) will solve these difficulties. Combining advanced imaging modalities with unique computational methodologies, CM-BT may improve understanding of cellular mechanics. These methods improve resolution, specificity, and real-time performance. This technology uses super-resolution microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and machine learning-based image processing to reveal local mechanical properties and intercellular interactions. The results indicate that CM-BT improved temporal and spatial resolutions. This allowed researchers to view cellular dynamics with unparalleled precision and clarity before the inquiry. This technique also provides fresh information on mecha no transduction processes, including migration and mitosis, which increases understanding of cellular pathology.
Open Access
Serum miRNA Detection-based Alzheimer’s disease prediction regression modelShulian Liu, Yanhong Li, Yujing Zhang, Yaming Guo, Jingliang Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 536, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb536
With the deepening of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research, serum miRNA has attracted widespread attention as a potential biomarker. Traditional diagnostic methods for AD have certain limitations, such as reliance on clinical symptoms and neuroimaging examinations, which lack sensitivity (Sen) and specificity (Spe) for early diagnosis. Therefore, this article aimed to explore the expression levels of serum miRNA in AD patients and its clinical significance, to construct an AD prediction regression model based on serum miRNA detection. This article found no statistical differences in gender, underlying diseases, age, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) between the control group (healthy individuals) and the AD group, but obvious distinctions were observed in Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive part (ADAS-cog), and Activities of Daily Living (ADL) scores. Further analysis revealed obvious distinctions in miR-31, miR-93, miR-124-3p, miR-143, miR-146a, and miR-218-5p between the two groups, with miR-124-3p showing the best diagnostic effect, followed by miR-218-5p. Based on these findings, this article constructed an AD prediction regression model, and the experimental results indicated that the model has high Sen, Spe, and accuracy (Acc) in the early diagnosis of AD, reducing the error rate of subsequent diagnoses and providing new ideas and methods for the early diagnosis of AD.
Open Access
Predicting career development paths of college students using biomechanical and behavioral data with machine learningXue Xiang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 612, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb612
Accurately predicting career development paths is crucial to enhancing educational guidance and aligning student outcomes with labor market demands. This study presents a novel approach that integrates biomechanical and behavioral data with machine learning techniques to forecast career paths for college students. Using a dataset of 150 students, the study examines key biomechanical variables, such as joint angles, gait parameters, and ground reaction forces, alongside behavioral traits, including confidence levels, engagement, and personality. A Random Forest model was employed to analyze these multidimensional data and identify patterns predictive of career outcomes. The model achieved % overall accuracy of 82.57%, with individual performance metrics across four career categories showing substantial precision and recall. Integrating biomechanical and behavioral factors improved the model’s predictive power, demonstrating that physical attributes, when combined with traditional behavioral data, provide a more comprehensive understanding of career suitability. These findings have significant implications for career counseling, educational interventions, and workforce development, offering a data-driven approach to support students in making informed career decisions.
Open Access
Establishment of a decision tree prediction model for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms using temperature-sensitive embolic agents based on geometric featuresMiao Liu, Bingli Yu, Yakun Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 591, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb591
Intracranial aneurysms are abnormal expansions caused by weak arterial walls, which can lead to subarachnoid hemorrhage and high mortality rates in severe cases. Its clinical treatment commonly involves transcatheter arterial embolization. Compared with mainstream coil materials, the use of emerging temperature-sensitive embolic agents has higher occlusion rates, and reduces stress on the aneurysm wall, with lower toxicity and better treatment outcomes. However, due to the irreversibility of the coagulation process, there is a risk of unintended embolization of distal branches, limiting their clinical applicability. In order to obtain the applicable conditions of the temperature-sensitive embolic agent and further improve its applicability, this study employed the Euler two-phase flow model to simulate the embolization process of these agents. Based on the simulation results and geometric features of the cases, a decision tree model was established. Cross-validation revealed an overall success rate of 78.57% for predicting treatment applicability, with a sensitivity of 71.4%, specificity of 81.0%, and an F1 score of 62.5%. This decision tree model can serve as an auxiliary tool in the clinical treatment of intracranial aneurysms, allowing for the selection of cases suitable for temperature-sensitive embolization based on patients’ specific geometric features obtained from imaging, thereby enhancing the success rate of surgical procedures.
Open Access
Biomimetic research on posture optimization of sprinters: Inspiration from high-speed moving organisms in natureJing Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 445, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb445
Biomechanics of sprinters’ posture is critical to maximizing speed and efficiency. Inspired by high-speed organisms in nature, such as cheetahs and falcons, this research examines biomimetic principles to optimize sprinters’ running posture. High-speed animals possess unique anatomical and mechanical traits, allowing remarkable acceleration, stability, and energy efficiency. These characteristics provide valuable insights into improving human sprinting performance. The investigation begins with an in-depth analysis of these organisms’ musculoskeletal systems and movement patterns, focusing on their body alignment, limb positioning, and force application during high-speed locomotion. This data is the foundation for developing biomechanical models applicable to human sprinters. The models are further validated through motion capture technology and simulations, where adjustments to sprinters’ postures are tested for speed, stride length, and energy efficiency improvements. Results from the experiments show a significant reduction in energy wastage and increased propulsion when sprinters adopt optimized postures inspired by natural high-speed organisms. Key adaptations include adjustments in trunk alignment, arm movement coordination, and lower limb force generation, closely mirroring the dynamic posture control seen in nature. This research demonstrates that adopting biomimetic insights leads to measurable sprinting efficiency and performance enhancements. The findings also contribute to developing training protocols for athletes, focusing on optimizing posture based on natural biomechanics.
Open Access
Optimization of rigid endoscope drying method based on negative pressure suction device: Evaluation of its impact on drying efficiency and occupational safetyLian Zhang, Xiuyue Zeng, Haoling Zheng, Zhishan Tan, Lihong Deng, Hongchang Chen
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 480, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb480
Methods: A randomized controlled trial design was employed. Four types of rigid endoscopes were selected: fiber optic instruments, lens instruments, forceps instruments, and tubular instruments, with 100 samples from each category. The samples were assigned to a control group (traditional drying method) and an experimental group (negative pressure suction device). The experimental group used a negative pressure suction device combined with a drying cabinet for drying, while the control group employed wiping, a high-pressure air gun, and a drying cabinet. Drying time for each type of instrument was measured, and noise levels during the drying process were assessed using a noise meter. The data were analyzed using independent sample t-tests for intergroup comparisons, with a significance level set at P < 0.05. Results: The experimental group showed significantly shorter drying times for fiber optic instruments, lens instruments, and forceps instruments compared to the control group. The drying time for fiber optic instruments in the experimental group was 316.9 ± 1.97 s, significantly shorter than the control group’s 326.53 ± 4.43 s (t = 6.28, P < 0.001). The drying time for lens instruments in the experimental group was 315.07 ± 1.80 s, compared to 320.54 ± 4.21 s in the control group (t = 3.78, P < 0.001). However, for tubular instruments, the experimental group’s drying time was 660 s, markedly longer than the control group’s 327.04 ± 4.99 s (t = 211.09, P < 0.001). In terms of noise levels, the experimental group exhibited significantly lower noise exposure for fiber optic and lens instruments compared to the control group. The average noise for fiber optic instruments was 45.79 ± 0.17 dB in the experimental group, while it was 63.73 ± 0.67 dB in the control group (t = 82.55, P < 0.001). Conclusion: The negative pressure suction device significantly improves the drying efficiency of rigid endoscopes, especially for instruments with simpler structures, and effectively reduces noise exposure, enhancing occupational safety. However, for complex tubular instruments, further optimization of the negative pressure suction device is required.
Open Access
A biomechanical and biological investigation of the impact of cheerleading training on enhancing the physical fitness and musculoskeletal health of girlsLisha Zhang, Lili Tian
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 635, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb635
Background: Girls’ physical health significantly influences their growth, development, and learning capabilities. The biomechanical effects of physical training, such as cheerleading, are increasingly recognized for their role in optimizing musculoskeletal health and functional performance. This study investigates how cheerleading training impacts junior high school girls' physical fitness, with a specific focus on its biomechanical effects on body composition, bone density, and muscle explosiveness. Biomechanical factors such as force generation, joint stability, and bone strength are integral to understanding how physical activities like cheerleading influence the body. Methods: Eighty normal junior high school girls with no prior training experience, sixty cheerleaders, and sixty aerobics athletes constituted the study’s control and experimental groups. Participants were randomly assigned to either the training group or the control group after three to six months of structured, intense training. Key parameters such as height, body mass, BMI, bone density, muscular explosiveness, and percentages of protein, muscle, fat, and inorganic salts were assessed using exercise biology measurements. Biomechanical evaluations were conducted to assess lower and upper limb force production, lumbar and spinal stability, and joint impact resistance using standardized tests. Results: The study revealed significant improvements in body composition among the cheerleading and aerobics groups, including lower fat percentages (P < 0.05) and higher protein, muscle, and inorganic salt percentages. Biomechanically, cheerleading training enhanced the muscular explosiveness of the lower limbs (P < 0.05), demonstrating increased peak power output and improved reaction forces during jumping and landing activities. Conversely, aerobics training led to significant improvements in the muscular explosiveness of the upper and lower limbs, lumbar, abdominal, and low back muscles (P < 0.01), indicating greater overall functional strength and dynamic stability. Bone mineral density (BMD) tests showed that the hip and spine BMD of the cheerleading and aerobics groups were significantly higher than those of the control group (P < 0.05), suggesting enhanced bone remodeling and mechanical loading benefits. The aerobics group exhibited superior BMD gains compared to the cheerleading group, particularly in load-bearing areas, indicating higher adaptive responses to varied mechanical stresses. Conclusion: This study provides strong evidence that cheerleading training positively impacts junior high school girls’ physical fitness, particularly in biomechanical aspects such as body composition, bone density, and muscle explosiveness. The findings highlight the specific biomechanical adaptations induced by cheerleading, such as increased force generation in lower limbs, improved joint loading mechanics, and enhanced bone strength.
Open Access
The application of infrared photosensitive π-conjugated materials in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of table tennis sports injuryPengcheng Zhang, Zhongxing Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 448, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb448
The health and performance of athletes can be negatively impacted when table tennis injuries are misdiagnosed, leading to subpar recovery and an increased risk of recurrence. The inability of conventional approaches to gather detailed information in real-time during gameplay necessitates a fresh approach. This paper examines machine learning techniques such as eXtreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost) methods and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to assess real-time physiological data acquired by wearable devices in response to this need. This study proposes the Machine Learning-based Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Table Tennis Sports Injuries (ML-DRTTSI) approach, which employs infrared radiation-sensitive π-conjugated materials. It paves the way for precise tracking of temperature fluctuations and blood flow as they pertain to athletic injuries. Wearable sensors allow for the accurate recording of physiological changes that occur during matches. LSTM networks can discover injury-related signatures through the extraction of correlations and patterns. XGBoost is a gradient-boosting method that enhances the precision of injury diagnostics and severity evaluation by applying learned features in classification and regression tasks. Experts and players can use the hybrid model’s quick and accurate insights into injury aspects to predict which rehabilitation methods will be most effective for table tennis injuries. An innovative solution is the goal of this interdisciplinary project that brings together specialists in machine learning, materials science, and sports medicine. More than just a giant leap for sports technological advancements, the hybrid model also holds enormous promise for improved injury detection and recovery. This finding can revolutionize sports therapy and injury treatment, not just in table tennis.
Open Access
Innovative exploration of extracurricular physical exercise mode for college students integrating biomechanics and information technologyWeibin Wu
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 441, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb441
Traditional college physical education courses require innovative methods of instruction in the wave of informatization education to stay with current trends. This study examines novel forms of physical exercise that college students can engage in outside the classroom by fusing cutting-edge information technology and advanced biomechanics. This study assesses the impact of these integrations on student engagement and physical health by utilizing methods including wearable sensors for real-time motion tracking, deep learning algorithms for pattern identification, and augmented reality (AR) for immersive training experiences. To improve the accuracy of reading movement intentions, data from 130 participants, including cardiorespiratory signals, heart rates, and motion imagery, were processed using a Binary Spotted Hyena Optimized Efficient Visual Geometry Group Network (BSHO-EVGGN). The findings show that these technology advancements greatly enhance students’ motivation and exercise performance in addition to providing real-time physiological metrics monitoring. The evaluation’s findings demonstrate how this strategy, which has received significant student support, considerably raises students’ learning performance and engagement. Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching physical exercise is made possible by the creative use of physical teaching models in college physical education.
Open Access
Numerical simulation of muscle force distribution during high-intensity athletic movementsHuaiyuan Deng
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 518, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb518
Athletes performing high-intensity movements such as sprinting, jumping, and powerlifting rely on precise muscle coordination to generate the necessary forces for efficient movement. Examining how forces are distributed across muscle groups during these activities is critical for enhancing performance and reducing injury risks. However, detailed insights into the muscle force contributions during these specific movements are still limited. This study aims to address this gap by using advanced biomechanical techniques and numerical simulations to analyze the distribution of muscle forces in athletes engaged in these high-intensity tasks. Thirty-two athletes, including 15 professionals and 17 amateurs, participated in this research. Data were collected using motion capture systems, electromyography (EMG), and force plates. The musculoskeletal simulations were run on OpenSim, focusing on key muscle groups like the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, gastrocnemius, and iliopsoas. In sprinting, the quadriceps generated peak force during the stance phase, reaching 1452 N between 200–250 ms, while the gastrocnemius & soleus produced 845 N, contributing to ankle plantarflexion. The iliopsoas took over during the swing phase, peaking at 620 N to elevate the leg. In jumping, the quadriceps exhibited a maximum force of 1480 N in the take-off phase, with the gastrocnemius reaching 1020 N, supporting upward propulsion. During powerlifting, particularly the back squat, the quadriceps reached 1520 N during the concentric phase, while the hamstrings peaked at 1220 N, contributing to knee stabilization and hip extension.
Open Access
The influence of two taijiquan exercises on the negative emotions of the elderlyLi-Jun Wang, Lin Wei, Jing-Gang Li
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 735, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb735
Purpose: Exploring the influence of 24-style Tai Chi and Tai Chi eight methods and five steps on the negative emotions of the elderly. Methods: 101 elderly people were divided into 24-style Tai Chi group, Tai Chi eight methods and five steps group, and jogging and fast walking group. 3 times a week, 1 h each time, continuous exercise for 8 weeks. The Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) of each group were observed before and after intervention. Results: There were significant differences in the levels of anxiety (p < 0.001) and depression (p < 0.01) in the 24-style Tai Chi group before and after the experiment, especially the anxiety had reached extremely significant level. There were significant differences in the levels of anxiety (p < 0.001) and depression (p < 0.05) in the Tai Chi eight methods and five steps group before and after the experiment, especially anxiety had reached extremely significant level. There was no significant difference between the anxiety (p > 0.05) and depression (p > 0.05) levels in the jogging and fast walking group before and after the experiment. Conclusion: 24-style Tai Chi and Tai Chi eight methods and five steps can effectively improve the level of anxiety and depression in the elderly and alleviate negative emotions.
Open Access
Physical education teaching: A biomechanical perspective of physical education educators and coachesZhen Cui, Dexin Wang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 611, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb611
This study investigated the integration of biomechanical principles into physical education teaching practices. We use a combination of surveys, classroom observations, focus groups, pre-assessments and post-assessments, as well as force analysis in order to look at the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of physical education educators and coaches. Our findings are that theoretically, there is a substantial chasm between knowledge and application in a physical education environment. Most teachers recognized the importance of biomechanics but frequently did not have adequate preparation and resources to make it part of their teaching curricula. From the findings of our study, we conclude that teacher preparation programs and professional development programs need biomechanic education in totality. Eliminating these gaps will significantly enhance the quality of physical education instruction and outcomes for all students. Our study empirically suggests that biomechanical interventions are indeed a practical improvement for students, as they actually make the students’ movements mechanically better, reduce the likelihood of injury, and give them even more motivation.
Open Access
Examining the educational connection and psychological wellness of Chinese EFL students: The functions of productive scaffolding provided by language teachersYanyun Huang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 431, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb431
The core element of successful language acquisition lies in the active participation of students. When exploring factors that enhance the academic performance of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students, teacher emotional support has always been a focal point of academic research. With the application of positive psychology, researchers are increasingly focusing on emotions, especially positive emotions, as a central role in the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) field. Over the past decade, researchers have particularly focused on the academic engagement and psychological well-being of language learners, considering them as key factors in improving educational quality. However, specific data on how EFL teachers can enhance students’ psychosocial health and academic engagement through emotional support is still insufficient. Therefore, this study used a questionnaire survey to deeply analyze the data of 1968 Chinese EFL students. Specifically, the research results show that the emotional support provided by teachers can explain up to about 74% and 63% of the differences in EFL students’ educational engagement and mental health, respectively. At the same time, this study also constructed a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model, concluding that the CMIN/DF ratio is less than 4. In addition, the research results further reveal the potential important mediating role of Chinese English teachers’ self-efficacy in their resilience, emotional management skills, and mental health. In summary, these findings highlight the importance of establishing positive teacher-student relationships to promote the comprehensive psychological development of students.
Open Access
Sports training injury risk assessment combined with dynamic analysis algorithmZhihong Hou, Yuan Xue
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 484, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb484
To explore the application of dynamic analysis algorithm in sports training injury risk assessment, this paper takes the Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network (ST-GCN) as the main algorithm, and introduces the Adaptive Graph Convolution Module (AGCM) and Residual Channel Attention Module (RCAM). ST-GCN is improved to form AGCM + RCAM-ST-GCN (ARST-GCN) motion posture recognition algorithm. Meanwhile, combined with the extreme gradient boosting (XG Boost), the final physical training injury risk assessment model is formed. The performance of the improved ARST-GCN and the proposed damage risk assessment model is verified by experiments. The results show that ARST-GCN, which combines AGCM and RCAM modules, performs best in all indicators. Compared with ST-GCN, the accuracy rate is increased by 1.94% and the F1 value is increased by 4.3%. In addition, in the performance comparison of different sports injury risk models, the recall rate and F2 value of XGBoost are 0.937 and 0.893, respectively, and the overall performance is the best, indicating that XGBoost has significant advantages in dealing with sports injury risk assessment (SIRA) tasks. The research results provide theoretical basis and practical reference for injury prevention in sports training, and help to improve the accuracy and reliability of SIRA.
Open Access
Analysis of athletes’ technical action based on deep learningXiaoning Zhang
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 490, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb490
In order to raise athletes’ technical proficiency and overall performance, this paper uses deep learning technology to precisely assess table tennis technical activities. The paper builds a hybrid neural network model for technical action analysis of table tennis players, based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) in deep learning. First, CNN extracts the spatial characteristics from the video frames. After that, an LSTM processes these data in a time series to accurately recognize and classify the movements of athletes. Lastly, through trials, the model is trained and evaluated using the Table Tennis Tracking Network (TTNET) dataset. The experimental findings demonstrate that: (1) In table tennis technical action analysis, the suggested deep learning model performs better than other comparative models. The efficacy of combining convolution with sequence learning is fully demonstrated by the CNN-LSTM hybrid model, which performs best in all indicators when compared to the CNN, LSTM, Multi-Objective Function (MOF), and Convolutional Neural Network—Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) combined models. Its accuracy rate, precision rate, recall rate, and F1 score are 0.923, 0.918, 0.925, and 0.921, respectively. In contrast, the performances of LSTM and CNN are also excellent, but the performance of MOF model is relatively low; (2) In the classification of technical actions, the model has the highest classification accuracy of service, reaching 0.930, and the classification accuracy of other technical actions such as forehand stroke, backhand stroke and spike is also above 0.9, and the time sequence consistency index also maintains a high level, indicating that the model can effectively identify and analyze table tennis technical actions. In addition, the performance evaluation of real-time feedback shows that the model can achieve low processing time and feedback delay in video data processing with different lengths, which ensures the real-time and reliability in practical applications. These results show that the proposed model can not only provide accurate technical action recognition, but also provide timely and effective feedback in practical application, which has high practical value. The results of this paper prove the potential of deep learning technology in the analysis of athletes’ technical actions, and provide scientific basis and effective tools for the technical training and optimization of table tennis players.
Open Access
A systematic study of physical fitness assistance training for adolescents based on Kinect motion captureXiaolong Liao, Xiaoshan Lei, Pu Sun
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21(3), 372, 2024, DOI: 10.62617/mcb372
Kinect motion capture technology records body motions, allowing for accurate monitoring and analysis in a variety of fields. This study investigates the intelligent recognition of classroom teaching behaviours by physical fitness instructors through the combination of Kinect sensors and machine learning algorithms. We proposed a novel Crayfish Optimization-driven Adaptive-Weighted AdaBoost (CO-AWAdaBoost) approach for classifying physical fitness instructional behaviours based on body posture data recorded by Kinect sensors. Z-score normalization is utilized to pre-process the obtained raw data. In our proposed recognition model, the CO algorithm leverages the natural behaviours of crayfish to optimize the process of feature selection. AdaBoost iteratively trains weak classifiers, assigning higher weights to misclassified samples. Our model can assist with the quantitative assessment of physical fitness classroom instruction, instructive suggestions, and large-scale behavioural investigation. The proposed detection model has been implemented in a Python program. In the results assessment phase; we evaluate our proposed model’s effectiveness in classifying physical fitness instructional behaviours using numerous evaluation metrics such as recall, F1-score, precision, and accuracy. During the finding evaluation phase, we thoroughly scrutinize the recognition effectiveness of the suggested model across various parameters, including precision (97.22%), accuracy (98.25%), specificity (97.85%), recall (97.86%), and F1-score (97.88%). We also carried out a comparison analysis with other traditional approaches. Our experimental findings demonstrate the reliability of the recommended framework.