
Sin-Chn Scientific Press strictly abides by the guidelines of Authorship and Contributorship of COPE, and the Defining the role of Authors and Contributors of ICMJE. Authorships mean that authors have the responsibility and accountability for the published work. All authors need to give the approval of the sequence of authors before publishing. Authors should read and understand the APCs policy and editorial policies (especially the peer review process) before submitting a manuscript. Authors hold the copyright of their work under the open access policy and CC BY 4.0 License. Authors have the right to recommend an avoidable list of reviewers provided they do not have any conflict of interest in this endeavor.


Authorship should meet the following key points at the same time:

1) have made substantial contributions to the design or conception of this work, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;

2) have made intellectual contributions to writing the work or revising it;

3) have given the final approval of the version to be published;

4) Agree to take responsibility for all aspects of the work including replying to the review comments, and explaining questions.


Authors should meet the four criteria above to be authors, and they are encouraged to provide a ORCID ID or academic ID. For someone does not meet all the criteria but has provided support or contribution, it is available to express thanks in the section of Acknowledgments.

If there are more than one author who makes contributions to the work, please choose one author to be the corresponding author. The publisher accepts a maximum of two corresponding authors. A corresponding author communicates with the Editorial Office on behalf of all the authors during the manuscript submission, peer-review, and production process, e.g., informing all authors of the review comments, responding to the questions raised by the Editorial Office or reviewers, providing details of ethics committee approval and other necessary information, and proofreading the galleys. The corresponding author is also responsible for dealing with post-publication issues in a timely manner.



The publisher requests the specific contributions of each author in a research article, which will be displayed in the final PDF file. There are no mandatory requirements in other types of articles. Please refer to Author Guidelines for more details.


Use of AI-assisted tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools should not be listed as authors. If any AI or AI-assisted tools have been used in the preparation of a manuscript, authors should declare the details in a cover letter, in the Materials and Methods section, and in the Acknowledgments section. For more AI policy details, please refer to the AI policy.


Editors or journal’ staff as authors

For editors or journal’s staff as authors, they will not be assigned the review tasks of their own submission, and the tasks will be handled by others to avoid potential conflicts of interest.


Changes to authorships

The Editorial Office defaults to the identity of all the authors when receiving a new submission. Any addition, deletion, or change to the author list needs the approval of all the authors before being accepted. The corresponding author should provide the reasons for the change to authorship, and the proof of written confirmation of authorship changes from all the authors (including the authors to be deleted). Disputes on authorships will be dealt with by following COPE’s guidelines on the Authorship and Contributorship (pre-publication and post-publication).