Publishing Ethics

Sin-Chn Publisher strictly abide by the rules, regulations and best practices set by:

Some key publishing ethics tips:

  • Original statement is important during the submission stage.
  • Simultaneous submission of manuscripts to more than one journal is not permitted.
  • Definition and guidance of authorship.
  • Declaration of Conflict of Interest.
  • Description of copyright and license.
  • Description of advertising policy.
  • Show the Informed Consent, Assurance, and Privacy Statement if animal or human experiments involved.
  • Obtain the permission of any previously published content from copyright holder.
  • Authors should follow the Author Guidelines of the journal before submitting.
  • Author should avoid the academic misconducts.


The clear publishing ethics will lead to a better science community. All the persons related to the publishing process is responsible for the work. Editors will take any possible misconducts seriously. Anyone, such as the authors, editors, readers, reviewers, could inform any misconduct to the Editorial Office, including academic fraud, research misconduct or publication malpractice. Any possible complaints will be dealt with according to the complaints and appeals of COPE. If allegation is support by evidence, the submission will be declined for consideration. If the article has been published, then a retraction will be made public. Authors have the right to appeal to the Editorial Office during 30 days.