Publishing Ethics

Sin-Chn Scientific Press strictly abides by the rules, regulations and best practices set by:


Some key publishing ethics tips:


Ethical oversight

Publication ethics involves not only upholding the integrity, reliability, and merit of published research itself, but also an underlying consideration and respect for the subjects of the research. The Editor-in-Chief will oversee the whole editorial process by complying with COPE’s Ethical Oversight guidance and its best practice.

For research involving human subjects, the journal office and authors play a vital role to safeguard the privacy and dignity of human subjects by erasing the identifiable personal details, such as facial information, name, fingerprint, and hospital ID. Authors must submit the written statement of informed consent and approval of ethical committees. If the subjects are vulnerable, the statement of informed consent should be obtained from their guardian. For research involving animal subjects, authors should comply with applicable laws and regulations governing the conduct of research, and necessary procedures on animal welfare should be described in the materials and methods section. Experimental IDs and the approval of Ethical Committees should be provided both in the submission stage and final PDF file.

The journal office must diligently review submitted manuscripts to ensure that they conform with research ethics guidelines. Once the journal office takes into consideration the adequacy of consent and the need for ethical review, the authors must provide the details of ethical IDs, and cooperation is requested between institutions and the journal guided by COPE. Journals with a suspected ethical problem in a submitted manuscript will follow the COPE’s flowchart to address such concerns.