A review of technoeconomic benefits of torrefaction pretreatment technology and application in torrefying sawdust
Economic analysis of the torrefaction process centers on the assessment of the economic feasibility of the production and utilization of torrefied biomass using developed models such as costs of biomass, electricity, labour, investment, transportation, etc. to evaluate the cost of biomass torrefaction. The increase in energy usage over the past century has raised concern over the energy insecurity and environmental unsustainability of current fossil fuel utilization; therefore, there is a need for energy diversification. An attractive alternative is biomass. However, the poor performance of raw biomass in energy generation further necessitates the development of refined technologies to enhance its performance, particularly at low temperatures between 200–300 ℃. This study therefore reviews the technoeconomic benefits of torrefaction technology and reactors and their application in the pretreatment of sawdust. An overview of torrefaction technology, torrefied product characteristics, economic analysis of torrefaction reactors, and torrefaction cost/ton were reviewed. From the review, torrefaction significantly improved the physical, combustion, and performance characteristics of torrefied products, with comparable durability and storability to raw biomass. Compared with other thermal pretreatment methods, torrefaction is an economical way of improving biomass properties.
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Copyright (c) 2024 R. S. Bello, A. O. Olorunnisola, T. E. Omoniyi, M. A. Onilude

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