Analysis on the economic growth effects of industrial clustering in high-tech manufacturing and knowledge-intensive service industries
High-tech manufacturing and knowledge-intensive service industries exert significant spatial spillover effects on economic growth, which arise from their close coupling in innovation-driven development, value chain upgrading, mutual complementarity and synergy, spatial diffusion and spillover, as well as policy guidance and regional competition. First, their collaborative agglomeration enhances regional innovation capacity and industrial competitiveness, directing industrial structures toward higher value-added and more technologically advanced levels. Second, it enables the cross-regional flow and exchange of knowledge, technology, and talent, thereby fostering broader coordinated development and narrowing regional disparities. Empirical evidence indicates that such collaborative agglomeration is substantially more pronounced in the relatively developed central and eastern regions, yet remains comparatively weak in the western region, resulting in a nationwide spatial pattern characterized by the coexistence of “high-high” and “low-low” clusters. Further analysis using the Spatial Durbin Model confirms a significant positive impact of the joint agglomeration of high-tech manufacturing and knowledge-intensive services on regional economic growth, underscoring the vital importance of inter-industry collaboration. Spatial heterogeneity analysis reveals notable discrepancies in industrial agglomeration across regions. Consequently, strengthening the collaborative agglomeration capacity of these two industries is pivotal for establishing a new agglomeration model that aligns with their developmental requirements. Such efforts not only promote knowledge and technology spillovers but also help mitigate resource misallocation caused by congestion, thereby contributing to a reduction in regional development disparities.
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