Impacts of quality management principles in supporting sustainable development in the Mauritian hospitality sector

  • Laëticia M. A. Ramsamy Panchoo Mechanical and Production Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, Reduit 80837, Mauritius
  • Devkumar S. Callychurn Mechanical and Production Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius, Reduit 80837, Mauritius
Keywords: sustainability; sustainable practices; hospitality industry; quality management principles; Mauritius
Article ID: 110


The notion of sustainability has greatly evolved since the 1960s. As the global population is increasing along with the consumption rate, it is becoming urgent to alleviate the negative impacts of this growth while, in parallel, allowing for continuous enhancements in environmental quality and overall living standards. This is where the need for sustainability becomes apparent. This research focuses on the hospitality industry, one of the top pillars of the Mauritian economy, which has expanded drastically during the last two decades. The study aims at assessing sustainability practices through an investigation of the different sustainable practices adopted by the hospitality industry. A survey was conducted with the main stakeholders in the hotel industry. The outcome of the survey, including an overview of the gaps faced by the hotels during their sustainability system implementation or maintenance, contributed to designing a framework linking quality and sustainability. The survey revealed that most hotels possess sustainability certifications. It was noted that more than 80% of the respondents calculate or estimate their CO2 emissions, and that around the same percentage of interviewees use the LCA technique. Further, this study depicts that hotels in Mauritius have started their sustainability journey, which is a positive sign. To help the industry overcome barriers to Sustainable Development (SD), it is recommended to use and include quality management as a tool to support and enhance overall efficiency.


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How to Cite
Ramsamy Panchoo, L. M. A., & Callychurn, D. S. (2024). Impacts of quality management principles in supporting sustainable development in the Mauritian hospitality sector. Sustainable Economies, 2(3), 110.