Climate change challenges: Case of the Thai agriculture business sector

  • Nattavud Pimpa Faculty of Business, American University of Business and Social Sciences, Dover, DE 19901, USA
Keywords: climate change; sustainable development; agriculture; Thailand
Ariticle ID: 112


Climate change and its effects are accelerating, with climate-related disasters piling up season after season. This study explores the impact of climate change on Thailand’s agricultural business by examining the views and experiences of stakeholders in the sector. Through in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, the study reveals the multifaceted challenges faced by the agricultural community. Participants highlight the disruptive effects of irregular rainfall patterns and rising temperatures on crop productivity and economic stability, exacerbating food shortages and livelihood insecurity. Additionally, the study underscores the critical issue of food security and the need for resilient agricultural practices. Furthermore, the inadequate integration of climate change education in the Thai education system and its implications for farmer adaptation are discussed. The study emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive support measures and a holistic approach to address climate change impacts on Thailand’s agricultural sector, ensuring its sustainability and the well-being of farmers.


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