Sustainability and health promotion actions in Brazil

  • Cicera Simoni da Silva Universidade Federal do Cariri, Crato 63048-080, Brazil
  • Jair Paulino de Sales Centro de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife 50740-560, Brazil
  • Estelita Lima Cândido Universidade Federal do Cariri, Crato 63048-080, Brazil
Keywords: health promotion; sustainable development; sustainable development goal; environmental health


This study explores sustainable programs or actions implemented within the work environments of students enrolled in a Postgraduate Program in Health Promotion in Brazil. Seventy participants, primarily healthcare professionals, were tasked with identifying the sustainable actions during the Health Promotion and Sustainability course. Responses were analyzed using the IraMuTeQ V. 0.7 alpha 2 program. Of these participants, 15 individuals did not identify any actions, while 55 highlighted various initiatives. Key strategies included waste management, health education, promotion of physical exercise, optimization of food resources, composting, and conscientious water usage. These actions not only offer potential cost savings but also contribute to a more responsible utilization of natural resources and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals.


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