Will artificial intelligence threaten humanity?

  • Milad Shahvaroughi Farahani Department of Finance, Khatam University, Tehran 1991633357, Iran
  • Ghazal Ghasemi Islamic Azad University, Tehran 1477893780, Iran
Keywords: unemployment; artificial intelligence threat; risk mitigation; ethical considerations
Ariticle ID: 65


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked intense debate regarding its potential threat to humanity. This abstract delves into the multifaceted discussion surrounding the implications of AI for the future of humanity. It explores various perspectives, ranging from optimistic views that highlight the transformative benefits of AI to pessimistic concerns about its existential threat. Drawing on insights from experts and researchers, the abstract examines key areas of contention, including the possibility of a technological singularity, the ethical dilemmas posed by autonomous weapons, and the socio-economic impacts of AI-driven automation. So, the main purpose of the paper is to study the impacts of AI from different points of view, including social, economic, political, etc. Therefore, different. Furthermore, it discusses strategies for mitigating the risks associated with AI, emphasizing the importance of ethical guidelines, regulatory frameworks, and international cooperation. Overall, this abstract provides a comprehensive overview of the complex considerations surrounding the impact of AI on humanity and underscores the need for thoughtful deliberation and proactive measures to ensure a beneficial and responsible integration of AI into society.


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