Examination of the interplay between corporate governance theories and sustainable practices in companies: A review study

  • Muhammad Aiman Awalluddin Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seremban 70300, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  • Anisa Safiah Maznorbalia Department of Business and Public Administration, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar 31900, Perak, Malaysia
Keywords: sustainable; corporate governance; stakeholder theory; legitimacy theory; institutional theory
Ariticle ID: 74


The objective of this review study is to comprehensively investigate and integrate existing corporate governance theory and its influence on sustainability performance. In light of the growing importance placed on sustainable development goals and ethical business practices, scholars and practitioners must comprehend the impact of corporate governance systems on sustainability results. This study aims to analyze academic publications in order to find patterns and trends in the literature. By doing so, it aims to get insights into how corporate governance theory may promote sustainability actions. This review aims to provide a detailed understanding of the intricate relationship between corporate governance structures and sustainable business practices by analyzing different aspects of corporate governance theories, such as agency theory, stakeholder theory, institutional theory, and legitimacy theory. The results of this study can provide helpful advice to governments, business executives, and investors that aim to improve sustainable performance through the implementation of efficient governance structures. Moreover, this review offers valuable knowledge for scholars and researchers regarding the specific corporate governance theories that are strongly linked to sustainable practices.


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